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HITLER’S LIGHTNING WAR. Aug. 1939 Hitler & Stalin sign a non-aggression pact 1.What did each leader gain from the secret pact? Hitler: Removal of threat.

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2 Aug. 1939 Hitler & Stalin sign a non-aggression pact 1.What did each leader gain from the secret pact? Hitler: Removal of threat from the east Stalin: Take over of Baltics / no German threat


4 Sep. 1939 Hitler invades Poland Blitzkrieg “Lightning War” - Using fast moving mechanized weapons & overwhelming force. USSR Germany 2. What strategy did Hitler use to conquer Poland?

5 June 1940 France Surrenders British civilians rescued 338, 000 Allied soldiers trapped there with a fleet of ships including Royal Navy ships and civilian craft (yachts, lifeboats, motorboats, paddle boats and fishing boats ). 4. What happened at Dunkirk?

6 Sept. 1940 German Luftwaffe begins bombing British cities R.A.F. fighters & British resistance forced Germany to end the attack and focus East. 5. What was the outcome of the Battle of Britain?



9 Sept. 1940 Italy moves to seize Egypt & the Suez Canal (AIM: To Reach The OIL FIELDS OF The MIDDLE EAST) Feb. 1941 Hitler sends GENERAL Rommel to help Italian troops seize Egypt and the Suez Canal

10 June 22, 1941 Hitler invades the Soviet Union Terrible winters “Scorched-Earth” policy by Soviets 7. How did Hitler’s invasion compare with Napoleon’s invasion of Russia?

11 US Assistance: 1941 Although the USA was technically neutral, Roosevelt provided aid to the Allies: The Lend-Lease Act: US “lent” war materials to cash-strapped Great Britain The Atlantic Charter: US secretly meets with England to commit to defeating Germany September 4, 1941: German U-Boat fires on a US destroyer in the Atlantic. Roosevelt orders navy commanders to shoot German submarines on sight. USA now involved in an undeclared naval war on Hitler

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