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The Population vs. The Sample

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1 The Population vs. The Sample
We will likely never know these (population parameters - these are things that we want to know about in the population) The population Number = N Mean = m Standard deviation = s Cannot afford to measure parameters of the whole population

2 3 Types of Samples Haphazard sampling Quota sampling
Convenience or self-selection Quota sampling Categories and proportions in the population Probability sampling Random sampling Multistage cluster sampling accuracy (margin of error) & confidence level

3 The Population vs. The Sample
We will likely never know these (population parameters - these are things that we want to know about in the population) The population Number = N Mean = m Standard deviation = s Cannot afford to measure parameters of the whole population So we draw a random sample.

4 The Population vs. The Sample
The sample Sample size = n Sample mean = x Sample standard deviation = s Cannot afford to measure parameters of the whole population So we draw a random sample.

5 The Population vs. The Sample
Does m = x? Probably not. We need to be confident that x does a good job of representing m. The population Number = N Mean = m Standard deviation = s The sample Sample size = n Sample mean = x Sample standard deviation = s

6 Connecting the Population Mean to the Sample Mean
How closely does our sample mean resemble the population mean (a “population parameter” in which we are ultimately interested)? Population parameter = sample statistic + random sampling error (or “standard error”) Random sampling error = (variation component) . or “standard error” (sample size component) Use a square-root function of sample size The sample Sample size = n Sample mean = x Sample standard deviation = s s = measure of variation Standard error (OR random sampling error) = s Ö (n-1) Population mean = x s Ö (n-1) The population mean likely falls within some range around the sample mean—plus or minus a standard error or so.

7 To Compute Standard Deviation
Population standard deviation Sample standard deviation

8 Why Use Squared Deviations?
Why not just use differences? Student A’s exam scores/(Stock A’s prices): 94, 86, 94, 86 Why not just use absolute values? Student B’s exam scores/(Stock B’s prices): 97, 84, 91, 88 Which one is more spread out /unstable /risky /volatile?


10 is the formula for: Population standard deviation Sample standard deviation Standard error Random sampling error Population mean

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