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NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP FOR ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE Capability Computing - User Environment Anke Kamrath Associate Director, SDSC

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1 NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP FOR ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE Capability Computing - User Environment Anke Kamrath Associate Director, SDSC NPACI Review July 21-22, 1999

2 NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP FOR ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE Scientific Computing Services Integrated services Transitioning to the Tflops Training and information services User survey

3 NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP FOR ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE Transitioning to the Tflops Collaboration with IBM’s Advanced Computing Technology Center (ACTC) Teraflops weekly seminar series (OpenMP, Porting, Mixed mode MPI & OpenMP,...) SAC projects Friendly-user access New documentation Redeployment of older SP

4 NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP FOR ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE Distance Training Program Provides easy Web-based playback of courses to the Internet community Future topics: Thrust software, Tflops transition

5 NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP FOR ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE NPACI HotPageHotPage One-stop Web- page for NPACI Resources Coupling with Globus for Web-based job submission

6 NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP FOR ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE User Survey Overall satisfaction remained high Users frustrated with lack of resources - 178 out of 217 respondents wanted more resources: “Buy more big iron” Many users concerned that networking problems prevent fully utilizing resources Most users will be contacted directly to discuss and address their concerns

7 NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP FOR ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE Building the Grid Common security efforts Integration from technology to deployment: Grid Architecture Evolution of Grid architectures

8 NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP FOR ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE Common Security Efforts All compute platforms only accessible via encrypted passwords Reduced number of detected intrusions and eliminated intrusions that spread Minimized impact on users Ported SSH to Cray architectures Building Certificate Authority and installing GSI (Grid Security Infrastructure) Security workshops held with broad involvement from national community

9 NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP FOR ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE Local Services/Resources HPSS Supercomputer Rendering Engine Remote Instrumentation Integration from Technology to Deployment: Grid Architecture Middleware/Metasystems SRB/MCAT Legion ICE-session Globus AppLeS NWS Toolkits Biomolecular Infrastructure Middleware Services Public Key Res MgmtAllocation NPACI Grid Toolbox HotPage QoS Broker Info Infrastructure ICE Volume Toolkit Protein Folding Applications/PSEs P-Tomography

10 NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP FOR ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE Evolution of Grid Architectures Open Grid Architecture Common User Environment Common User Environment Multiple Data & Compute Grids Multiple Data & Compute Grids

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