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Darien K-5 Social Studies Curriculum Team 2008-2009 Update.

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1 Darien K-5 Social Studies Curriculum Team 2008-2009 Update

2 Leading up to this year… Taking time to learn about and assess the current Kindergarten-Fifth Grade Social Studies Curriculum Developing a Darien Elementary Scope and Sequence that aligns to K-5 National Social Studies Standards

3 Board of Education Goal… Objective 2.3: Continue implementing the plan for the revision of the K-5 Social Studies Curriculum. Action Plan and Timeline for 2008-09: –Assemble grade level teams of teachers to develop units of study for each content standard in the K-5 Social Studies grade level scope and sequence produced in 2007- 2008. Include the identification of appropriate instructional resources. –Compile the units of study into a comprehensive K-5 Social Studies Curriculum document with a target completion date of June, 2009. –Provide professional development for grade level teams preparing them to implement the full, revised K-5 Social Studies Curriculum in September, 2009.

4 September-October, 2008 Formed a district-wide team of grade level teachers and began to discuss best practices in Social Studies curriculum design Took time as an entire team and as individual grade level teams to learn more about creating curriculum through Backward Design Understanding By Design »Identify Desired Results »Determine Evidence »Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction »The Power of the Essential Question!

5 Knowledge Versus Understanding Knowledge The facts A body of coherent facts Verifiable claims Right or wrong I know something to be true I respond on cue with what I know Understanding The meaning of the facts The “theory” that provides coherence and meaning to those facts Fallible, in-process theories A matter of degree or sophistication I understand why it is, what makes it knowledge I judge when to and when not to use what I know Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe

6 November-December, 2008 Using the Scope and Sequence, each grade level began to plan and develop units of study for the entire academic year After those units were mapped out for the year, the teams began to develop Essential Questions for each unit. This work was done through: »Whole Group Team Meetings »Grade Level Team Meetings »Grade Level and Individual Team Work Sessions

7 Essential Question Checklist Does my essential question provide a purpose for my unit? Does it shape my unit? Is it open for debate? What is important? What is relevant? There is no simple “right” answer to my essential question. Does it promote deep understanding? Does it inspire? Can my essential question transcend over time (K-5 experience or even higher)? Can my essential question be interdisciplinary? How rich is my essential question? Does my essential question force my students to make a decision? A judgment? How well does my essential question connect to my enduring understandings and unit objectives?

8 January-February, 2009 Reviewed and refined each unit’s Essential Questions Reviewed many different samples of Social Studies materials Began to learn about and create Objectives and Enduring Understandings for each Unit of Study This work was done through: »Whole Group Team Meetings »Grade Level Team Meetings »Grade Level and Individual Team Work Sessions

9 March-April, 2009 Grade Level Teams wrote Enduring Understandings and Unit Objectives for each Unit of Study Social Studies Materials were reviewed and ordered for each grade level We began to create model or demo lessons to present to our team as they begin to create their lessons and activities for each unit

10 The Future… Continue to work as a team to create lessons and activities for each Social Studies Unit Begin Professional Development to introduce and work with all Darien K-5 teachers as we begin to implement this new curriculum

11 Darien Social Studies Wiki The Wiki gave Social Studies Team Members the opportunity to collaborate and work together from different locations! Please visit our Wiki to review samples of Essential Questions along with all of the wonderful work our teachers have done thus far! –

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