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Vocabulary The crowd was _____ by the magician and his bag of magic tricks. a) inscribedinscribed b) postmarkedpostmarked c) enthralledenthralled d)

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary The crowd was _____ by the magician and his bag of magic tricks. a) inscribedinscribed b) postmarkedpostmarked c) enthralledenthralled d)"— Presentation transcript:


2 Vocabulary

3 The crowd was _____ by the magician and his bag of magic tricks. a) inscribedinscribed b) postmarkedpostmarked c) enthralledenthralled d) embarrassmentembarrassment

4 enthralled – verb – held spellbound; charmed


6 Aunt Tillie’s crass behavior at the dinner party was an _____ to the whole family. a) enthralledenthralled b) embarrassmentembarrassment c) pennantpennant d) regulationregulation

7 embarrassment – noun – the act or state of feeling uncomfortable or ashamed

8 Each fan carried a _____ saying, “Go Jaguars!” a) embarrassmentembarrassment b) pennantpennant c) regulationregulation d) grouchygrouchy

9 pennant – noun – a long, often triangular flag, used especially for school or team identification

10 The teacher issued _____ PE uniforms to the students. a) regulationregulation b) grouchygrouchy c) resemblanceresemblance d) inscribedinscribed

11 regulation – adjective – required by law or rule

12 Working with ________ people is no fun at all. a) postmarkedpostmarked b) enthralledenthralled c) embarrassmentembarrassment d) grouchygrouchy

13 grouchy – adjective – in a bad mood; irritable; sulky

14 There is often a close physical ______ among members of the same family. a) pennantpennant b) regulationregulation c) grouchygrouchy d) resemblanceresemblance

15 resemblance – noun - a similarity; as of physical appearance; likeness

16 The stone walls were ______ with names of people who had given money to the museum. a) resemblanceresemblance b) inscribedinscribed c) postmarkedpostmarked d) enthralledenthralled

17 inscribed – verb – written, carved, engraved, or marked on something

18 The tax return must be _______ no later than midnight on April 15 th. a) grouchygrouchy b) resemblanceresemblance c) inscribedinscribed d) postmarkedpostmarked

19 postmarked – verb – stamped to be moved easily or carried by hand

20 Susan Ging Lent Production

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