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Who-o-o’s Johnny? Who Are You? A Character Development Lesson for Nebraska’s Students This program is funded in part by Humanities Nebraska, the Nebraska.

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Presentation on theme: "Who-o-o’s Johnny? Who Are You? A Character Development Lesson for Nebraska’s Students This program is funded in part by Humanities Nebraska, the Nebraska."— Presentation transcript:

1 Who-o-o’s Johnny? Who Are You? A Character Development Lesson for Nebraska’s Students This program is funded in part by Humanities Nebraska, the Nebraska Cultural Endowment, and the Great American Comedy Festival. 1

2 2

3 Main Idea: Johnny Carson was a “home-grown” – or “native” Nebraskan. He can be an example of fine character. 3

4 John William Carson Parents: Homer and Ruth Carson Siblings: Dick and Catherine Address: 306 S. 13 th Street Norfolk, NE Schools: Grant School Norfolk Senior High School 4

5 Johnny once dumped over a hay rack in the high school parking lot. John loved magic tricks and followed his family members around saying, “Pick a card, any card.” 5 He organized the metal recycling campaign at school for the war effort.

6 Johnny Carson was a character with character. 6

7 Am I a Character? Is this good or bad? 7

8 8

9 After years of hard work, Johnny Carson landed radio and TV jobs. 9 Radio Television

10 Talk about being noticed in positive ways. Share your ideas. 10

11 After antics like this, people were really talking about Johnny Carson. He became a celebrity. 11

12 Johnny Carson became a celebrity because of 3 things. 1. He was very funny! 2. He was supportive of other comics just getting started 3. His philanthropy and generosity were exceptional 12

13 13 Norfolk, Nebraska

14 14

15 15 Elkhorn Valley Museum and Research Center – Norfolk, Nebraska

16 16 Norfolk, Nebraska

17 17 Lifelong Learning Center Norfolk, Nebraska

18 18 Norfolk Library Foundation; Norfolk Senior Center

19 19 Helped a small zoo Student Scholarships Another Theater Assisted Flood Victims

20 Are you like Johnny Carson? What is Your Character Like Today? 20

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