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Region I WIS Pilot Projects. Background Inadequate resources to meet the costs of leased dedicated links. Frequent outages of the leased dedicated links.

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Presentation on theme: "Region I WIS Pilot Projects. Background Inadequate resources to meet the costs of leased dedicated links. Frequent outages of the leased dedicated links."— Presentation transcript:

1 Region I WIS Pilot Projects

2 Background Inadequate resources to meet the costs of leased dedicated links. Frequent outages of the leased dedicated links. Inadequate availability of data from the region. Inadequate access to data and products for improving services to support the reduction of risks associated with severe weather and climate extremes Support to severe weather forecasting project

3 Motivation The commitment of the heads of NMHSs in the region Successful progress of the WIS projects being implement by WMO Members The commitment of WMO The willingness to collaborate. Available infrastructure and human resource.

4 Projects approved by the 14th RA-I Session  Enhanced use of current effective GTS components (satellite links, VSAT, RETIM-Africa) to support operational-critical data exchange for other WMO Programmes (Marine, Hydrology, Climatology, Agrometeorology, Aeronautical Met,..)  VPN Pilot Project: exchanging data and products over the Internet (potential candidates in Southern Africa, Indian Ocean, Western & Central Africa, Northern Africa)  WEB and FTP Server Pilot Project: providing data and products to other NMHSs and users via Internet  DCPC Pilot Project: RA I Centre(s) (e.g. RSMCs, RTHs, advanced NMCs, etc) developing and experimenting DCPCs functionnalities  NC Pilot Project: RA I NMC(s) developing and experimenting NMS/NC role, including management of and authorization for national WIS user  Metadata Pilot Project: RA I NMC(s) experimenting metadata editing tools recommended by CBS for their own-generated data oNote: Most of the Pilot Projects would benefit from partnership with and technology transfer from current WIS Pilot Projects and GISC and DCPC prototypes (e.g RA VI VGISC)

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