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Physics 101 Introduction to College Physics Lesson 10 Fundamental Laws of Motion.

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Presentation on theme: "Physics 101 Introduction to College Physics Lesson 10 Fundamental Laws of Motion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physics 101 Introduction to College Physics Lesson 10 Fundamental Laws of Motion

2 Introduction Lesson Over View Objective; State and discuss Newton’s laws of motion. Preview Force 1 st, 2 nd and 3 rd Laws Application Practice

3 Force Preview push or pull exist as a result of an interaction Types –contact forces, (frictional, tensional, normal, air resistance, and applied forces ) –forces resulting from action-at-a- distance (gravitational, electric and magnetic forces) Back

4 First Law of Motion Law of Inertia Every object in a state of uniform motion or rest tends to remain in that state of motion or rest unless an external force is applied to it. View Illustration

5 Second Law of Motion View Illustration Acceleration of an object is dependent upon two variables – the net force acting upon the object and the mass of the object.

6 Third Law of Motion For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction View Illustration

7 Illustrations 1st Law of motion Back

8 Illustrations 2 nd Law of motion Back

9 Illustrations 3 rd Law of motion Back

10 Applications First law –Car and the Wall –Truck and the ladder Second Law Third Law Home

11 First Law Back

12 Second Law Back

13 Third Law Back

14 Practice/Quiz Check your Understanding Practice Questions Quiz Home

15 Check Your Understanding Complete the following table showing the relationship between mass and weight. ObjectMass (kg)Weight (N) Melon1 kg Apple0.98 N Pat Eatladee25 kg Fred980 N

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