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1) Why were troops more loyal to their generals than to their government? 2) List 3 political changes in the first century B.C. that helped lead to the.

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Presentation on theme: "1) Why were troops more loyal to their generals than to their government? 2) List 3 political changes in the first century B.C. that helped lead to the."— Presentation transcript:

1 1) Why were troops more loyal to their generals than to their government? 2) List 3 political changes in the first century B.C. that helped lead to the end of the Roman republic. 3) What is a “Triumvirate” and what 3 people ruled in the first alliance. 4) What social class supported Julius Caesar the most? 5) Who assassinated Julius Caesar in the Ides of March?

2 1) Volunteer soldiers were rewarded with money, land, and/or loot. 2) Assassination of the Gracchi, leaders buying loyalty of soldiers, and generals using their power to control the senate. 3) Rule by 3 people. Julius Caesar, Gnaeus Pompey, Licinius Crassus. 4) The poor class. 5) Senators scared of his power: his friends Gaius Cassius and Marcus Brutus.

3 TriumvirateLepidus The Gracchi2 nd Triumvirate Gaius Marius5 Good Emperors Lucius Cornelius SullaLicinius Crassus Julius CaesarPax Romana Gnaeus PompeyJuilio-Claudian Emperors Cleopatra Marc Antony Augustus (Octavian)

4 1) Identify the political events in Rome during the first century B.C. that helped weaken the Roman Republic. 2) Explain how the reign of Julius Caesar served as a transition between the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire. 3) Describe the events and conditions that marked the first two centuries of the Roman Empire.

5 LeaderHow was power gained? Political Changes/Achievements Fate Tiberius and Gaius Gracchi Gaius Marius Lucius Cornelius Sulla Julius Caesar Gnaeus Pompey Licinius Crassus Cleopatra Marc Antony Augustus (Octavian)

6 Tiberius Gracchus *Elected tribune in 133 B.C. *Suggested helping the farmer-soldier by giving land to the poor to farm. The land would be taken from the rich (Nobles). *Senators are mad and club him to death.

7 Gaius Gracchus *Brother of Tiberius *Elected tribune in 123 and 122 B.C. *Used public funds (taxes) to buy grain and then sell it to the poor at a very low price. *Other tribune vetoes all of Gaius’ laws. Gaius calls for his dismissal. *Instead, Gaius is assassinated.

8 *Roman General elected to be consul in 107 B.C. *Credited with winning “The Social War” vs. Rome’s allies and creating a unified Italy. *Also was the first General to reward his soldiers with land, money, and loot. Result=allegiance to Generals instead of to the government.

9 *Elected as a consul in 88 B.C. *After his term, Sulla wants a commission of a Roman army to conquer Germany. *Many in the Senate, led by Marius, are afraid the Sulla will abuse that power. *Sulla takes command of an army and marches it on Rome. Wins! *Dictator form 82-79 B.C., Enlarges Senate by 300 and gives the Senate complete control over the government.

10 1) Julius Caesar: the poor man’s choice. *Nephew of Marius and most popular Roman General of the time. *Merciful, fair, and rewarded his soldiers with many riches. *Triumvirate formed in 60 B.C. *Conquers Gaul (France) from 59-49 B.C.

11 2) Licinius Crassus: *Another popular Roman General. *Supported Caesar in becoming consul in 59 B.C. *Will die in battle in 53 B.C.

12 3) GNAEUS POMPEY: *Another popular Roman General. *Supported Caesar, with Crassus, in becoming consul in 59 B.C. *Pompey is made sole consul in 52 B.C. when Crassus dies. *Jealous and afraid of Caesar’s power he orders Caesar to return to Rome without his army.

13 *Caesar refuses to give up his military command (loss of power if he did). *Caesar instead marches his army onto Rome and forces Pompey to flee. Takes over Rome. Leaves Marc Antony in charge as the consul of Rome until Caesar returns. *Caesar defeats Pompey and his loyal followers in Greece. Pompey escapes to Egypt. The first triumvirate is officially dissolved.

14 CLEOPATRA: *Caesar marches to Egypt to form an alliance. Egypt had just captured Pompey and had him beheaded. *9 months after meeting Cleopatra (30 years younger) a son is born, Caesarian. *Cleopatra is put on the throne as the Queen of Egypt after Caesar drowns all other heirs (Ptolemy Family) to the throne in the Nile River. *Caesar returns to Rome in 46 B.C. and is named dictator for life!

15 MARCUS BRUTUS: *Caesar increased the number of Senators to 900 members, but greatly reduced its power. *Many Senators including Brutus and Cassius feared Caesar’s power and popularity and conspired to have him killed.

16 GAIUS CASSIUS: *The Senate also wanted their governing powers restored. They knew Caesar would not give power back to the Senate so… *Caesar’s two best friends and 58 other Senators assassinated Caesar as he sat in the Senate. *Caesar was stabbed first in the throat and then 22 more times before falling dead.

17 1) Triumvirate 2) Seizure of sole power. 3) Weakened the Senate by removing powers. 4) Used army to enforce his personal will. 5) Expanded boundaries of the Republic (France and Egypt).

18 1) Identify the political events in Rome during the first century B.C. that helped weaken the Roman Republic. 2) Explain how the reign of Julius Caesar served as a transition between the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire. 3) Describe the events and conditions that marked the first two centuries of the Roman Empire.

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