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Caesar vs Pompey.  Caesar had granted citizenship to Gauls  Marcellus beat a Gallic man and denied trial  Marcellus tried to shorten Caesar’s command.

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Presentation on theme: "Caesar vs Pompey.  Caesar had granted citizenship to Gauls  Marcellus beat a Gallic man and denied trial  Marcellus tried to shorten Caesar’s command."— Presentation transcript:

1 Caesar vs Pompey

2  Caesar had granted citizenship to Gauls  Marcellus beat a Gallic man and denied trial  Marcellus tried to shorten Caesar’s command  His cousin decreed that Caesar and Pompy should give a legion to defend Syria  Pompey gave the legion he sent to Caesar  Caesar gave money to both legions  Soldiers never left Italy

3  Pompey entrusted with defense of Republic  Pompey demands Senate be firm in opposing Caesar or he will go to Spain  Without consulship/imperium, Caesar would be open to prosecution.  Pompey wants power and popularity  Pompey refuses to meet with Caesar  Pompey is confidant he could defeat Caesar Wherever I should stamp my foot, there will rise forces of infantry and calvary!

4  Antony is elected Tribune  He is run out of Rome by consuls  When his last peace proposal is denied in 49, Caesar says “Iacta Alea Est” then crosses the Rubicon with army (act of Treason)  Caesar marches quickly  Pompey only has the 2 legions that fought with (and paid by) Caesar. Other help away  Pompey and Senators flee to Greece

5  Caesar names himself dictator to name himself consul in 48  After securing Rome, he heads to Spain  He defeats Pompey’s army but grants the soldiers clemency  Many defect to his side  Caesar heads for Greece to get Pompey  Caesar and Pompey meet in Thessaly on the plains of Pharsalus (48 BC)

6  Both sides are fighting for everything  At first, Pompey’s cavalry pushes Caesar’s troops back  Caesar ordered a reserve line to attack the cavalry directly  The Cavalry retreated, leaving archers defenseless  Pompey flees battlefield (heads to Egypt)  Caesar mourned the loss of Roman life

7  Pompey flees to Egypt  Ptolemy’s advisors have him killed  Head and ring brought to Caesar  Caesar angry, they try to kill him too  Cleopatra visits him in a rug  He has Ptolemy killed  Restores Cleopatra to the throne  She bears him a son, Caeserion

8  Pharnaces: son of Mithradates  Caesar defeats him at Zela in 47 BC  VENI VIDI VICI  He heads back to Rome, settles things  He travels to Africa, more Pompeians  Cato kills himself in Utica  Allows the people to surrender (saves lives)  45 BC, battle of Munda in Spain, last of the Pompeians

9  Forgiveness for all!  Temple built to Clementiae Caesaris  Anyone who does not want it is exiled  Named Dictator for 10 years  Reduces welfare (cuts state debt)  Sends workers to new colonies  Grants Citizenship to Gauls  Gets land for his soldiers  Revises the calendar (Lunar to solar)

10  In 44 he is named Dictator for life  Incites anger for Munda triumph (Romans), condescending attitude, Lupercalia incident  Allegedly said Republic was only a name  Senators form a plot to assassinate Caesar  They get Marcus Junius Brutus on board  His family drove out the monarchy  On 3/15/44, Caesar is killed at a Senate meeting. Dies in front of bust of Pompey

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