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An Introduction.  Original meaning of the Greek word is “the quest for things worth knowing.”  Knowledge or information, when written down in the form.

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Presentation on theme: "An Introduction.  Original meaning of the Greek word is “the quest for things worth knowing.”  Knowledge or information, when written down in the form."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Introduction

2  Original meaning of the Greek word is “the quest for things worth knowing.”  Knowledge or information, when written down in the form of a narrative, becomes history.

3 History shapes who we are!  Proof— If everyday when you went to sleep, you forgot everything that happened that day, never to recall it, who would you be when you woke up?

4  Take photos  Make scrapbooks  Write journals/diaries  Update our status on Facebook ...

5  What happens around us (inventions, natural disasters, war, etc) influences how we live, react, think, and see the world.  Consider this... How did the events of 9/11 impact the way our society thinks and behaves? - Did we become more Paranoid? Afraid? Prejudice?

6  See more at: m/watch?v=TiE5uV1p6 fs m/watch?v=TiE5uV1p6 fs

7  Logographic/Pictographic: Chinese (40,000+)  Syllabic: Japanese(46)  Alphabetic: English (26), Greek (27), Russian (30-33), Hebrew (22)


9 It’s Etymology,

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