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Venus Mercury Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Sun.

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Presentation on theme: "Venus Mercury Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Sun."— Presentation transcript:

1 Venus Mercury Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Sun

2 “Fires that shook me once, but now to silent ashes fall'n away. Cold upon the dead volcano sleeps the gleam of dying day.” -Tennyson

3 Volcano Types: Shield Cone: Circular base, gentle slopes, basaltic, non-explosive. Cinder-cone: Small, steep, ejected material returns. Composite Cone: Large, explosive, fragments plus lava.

4 Venus Mercury Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Sun Past Volcanism on Mercury Abundance of surface craters No craters more that 50 km in diameter Evidence of lava-filled craters Volcanic rock samples predate Earth Rock samples dated @ >3000 million years ago

5 Venus Mercury Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Sun Pluto Volcanic Activity on Venus 80% of the planet’s surface shows volcanic activity Several million volcanoes have been detected Venus is (debatably) volcanically extinct Many volcanoes are several hundred km across, and thousands of km high

6 NASA Photo: A Volcano on Venus Largest volcanoes are shield-cone type No plate tectonics, which is part of how Earth cools Unconfirmed cooling theories: hot spot volcanism and/or bubbling, blistering surface volcanoes

7 Venus Mercury Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Sun Pluto Terrestrial Volcanism is a separate topic not covered here; please refer to your textbook, the internet, or other relevant Earth-science resources.

8 The Moon The dark spots on the moon (maria) are large depressions covered with basaltic lava flows, the result of volcanic activity that began over 3 billions years ago!

9 Venus Mercury Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Sun Pluto Martian Volcanoes Mars is almost volcanically extinct; this is debatable Martian volcanoes are probably all shield-cone types Mars has at least 3 volcanoes larger than those on Earth Mars has the largest volcano in the solar system: Olympus Mons

10 Olympus Mons: A Shield Volcano on Mars Earth’s Largest Volcano: Mauna Loa 9 km high 120 km across Olympus Mons: 24 km high 550 km across x 3 = Mars ≈ 1/2 of Earth’s diameter Olympus Mons ≈ 3 times the size of Earth’s largest Volcano Huge size disparity due to Mars’ stationary crust, hence enormous hot-spots that build-up in stationary positions

11 Venus Mercury Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Sun Pluto Volcanoes on Io: A moon of Jupiter The most volcanically active place in the solar system At least 8 active volcanoes have been mapped Plumes extend ≈ 280 km above Io’s surface Molten rock spews out faster than the speed of sound The size of Io is ≈ Earth’s moon Jupiter ≈ 318 times more massive than Earth itself Io and Earth’s moon ≈ same orbit, but Io has greater gravitational stress, causing huge amounts of internal heat

12 Io: One of Jupiter’s Moons

13 Io: Images from Galileo’s Mission (“Raw” images)(Digitally remastered)

14 Venus Mercury Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Sun Pluto Volcanoes on Other Moons of Jupiter: Europa and Ganymede have “Cryovolcanism!”

15 Venus Mercury Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Sun Pluto Triton: The seventh (and largest) of Neptune’s Moons also features “Ice Volcanoes!”

16 Triton is the only large moon with a retrograde orbit Temperature equals Pluto’s ≈ - 235ºC Surface contains only a few craters The surface is young; older features destroyed Ice Volcanoes! Liquid Nitrogen??

17 Saturn Uranus Neptune Sun Pluto Venus Mercury Earth Mars Jupiter ? Scientists continue to search for evidence of extraterrestrial volcanism…… ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

18 Websites Used for Research can be found at: under the “Astronomy” category

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