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By: Nick DeMarzio, Terik Jefferson Jamo Oberlton, Zach Witwer, Jay Perez.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Nick DeMarzio, Terik Jefferson Jamo Oberlton, Zach Witwer, Jay Perez."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Nick DeMarzio, Terik Jefferson Jamo Oberlton, Zach Witwer, Jay Perez

2 Do you believe this is extraterrestrial life?  We believe in extraterrestrial life because we experienced it ourselves. We are NASA employees. In the past we sent a drone to Venus and picked up evidence of an alien on the surface of the planet and the alien has the same characteristics of the one we found at the Grand Canyon.

3 Autopsy  NASA’s best scientists came together to perform an autopsy on the alien that we found at the Grand Canyon. They were trying to find out how the aliens body functions. They also took blood tests and discovered many cells amongst its body.

4 Where in the universe did it come from?  It came from the planet Venus. It is amazing how it lived on Venus because of the extreme temperature and other extreme conditions.

5 What is it’s home planet like?  Venus is sometimes called Earth's "sister planet," because the two are similar in size, and have the same gravity.  About 80% of Venus's surface consists of smooth volcanic plains. Also the atmospheric pressure on the surface is 90 times greater than Earth!  Venus has no weather. Because of the hot temperature makes the acid rain evaporate.  These winds can reach 450 mi/hr. That is faster than the fastest tornado on Earth!

6 Alien

7 Resources    Google images 

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