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2 March 2013 NET Section, CDI, EDB. ExEL2C Overview Current Context Objectives Benefits How to ExEL2C ExEL2C Forward 2.

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Presentation on theme: "2 March 2013 NET Section, CDI, EDB. ExEL2C Overview Current Context Objectives Benefits How to ExEL2C ExEL2C Forward 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 2 March 2013 NET Section, CDI, EDB

2 ExEL2C Overview Current Context Objectives Benefits How to ExEL2C ExEL2C Forward 2

3 Current Policy Context ▪ NSS and HKDSE requirements ▪ MOI fine-tuning/ELA Language Across the Curriculum (LAC) 3

4 Current School Context Positives Some ‘elite’ classes taught in English LAC coordinators/committees established Funding being used for LAC Concerns Packed curriculum even busier Planning time often ad hoc Ts confused about roles Lack of confidence in language analysis and/or teaching Student outcomes 4

5 Objectives of ExEL2C To develop teachers’ understanding of the role of language and communication in content subject learning To co-develop units of work that integrate content and language learning … to be taught in content subject and English lessons… to promote language learning across the curriculum. To enhance pedagogical practices that scaffold students’ language learning 5

6 What does this mean for me? Consider: How should I modify my use of language? What language features need attention? How can I scaffold learning better? How can I best collaborate with other teachers? What classroom teaching practices do I need to add to my repertoire? 6

7 Benefits  NET Section support  School secondment  School-based PD  Curriculum products  Sustainability  Bridging to NSS and HKDSE 7

8 How to ExEL2C… (i) Identify content subject (ii) Set up ExEL2C team (iii) Select units, language features and functions which match English and content curricula (iv) Develop materials (v) Implement lessons (vi) Evaluate 8

9 How to ExEL2C… (i)Identify content subject TWGH Lui Yun Choy Memorial College - 2010/11: Science (S1) - 2011/12: Mathematics (S1) - 2012/13: Geography (S1) Queen’s College Old Boys’ Association Secondary School - 2010/11: Economics (S3) - 2011/12: Science (S1) - 2012/13: Physics (S3) Islamic Kasim Tuet Memorial College - 2012/13: Liberal Studies (S3) 9

10 How to ExEL2C… (ii)Set up ExEL2C team 10

11 How to ExEL2C… (iii)Select units, language functions and features which match English and content curricula 11

12 How to ExEL2C… (iv)Develop materials - analysing the textbook - focusing on language patterns - scaffolding the textbook - stimulating discussion - reading complementary material - using activity cards - improving exam questions - supporting teachers 12

13 How to ExEL2C… Video clip 13

14 Will you ExEL2C? 14

15 How to Apply Please refer to EDB Circular Memorandum No. 7/2013for details. It is available on the EDB website: 13021E.pdf 13021E.pdf Schools complete Appendix C (School Application Form) in duplicate to apply for the “Seed” projects(s) that they are interested in, regardless of whether they will nominate any English teacher(s) for secondment for the project(s). For schools that wish to nominate English teachers for secondment, the following forms should also be submitted: Appendix B (Application Form); and Annex 2 of Appendix B (Application for “Seed” projects); and Annex 3 of Appendix B (Recommendation by Head of School) 15

16 ExEL2C Forward For further information, please contact Eva Chiu (CDO) (NET) 3549 8359 NET Section, CDI, EDB 16

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