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Tracheophyta: the seed plants

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1 Tracheophyta: the seed plants

2 Two different kinds Gymnosperms: have an unprotected seed (naked in cone like structures) Angiosperms: seeds are enclosed and protected inside a fruit

3 Adaptations of seed plants
Can reproduce without water (wind or other creatures can carry genetic material) There are separate male and female gametophytes

4 Gymnosperms Have thin, needle like leaves (covered by a waxy cuticle)
Roots extend over a wide surface area to hold the tree firmly in one place and access a lot of nutrients/water from the soil Tend to live in colder/harsher climates Ex: Evergreen trees!

5 Angiosperms Have flowers (known as flowering plants) for attracting pollinators (like insects or birds) Flowers have both male and female structures Male (Stamen): Anther :produces pollen Filament: thin stalk that holds anther out of the flower Female (Carpel/Pistil) Stigma: where pollen gets deposited Style: a slender stalk leading from stigma to the ovary Ovary: contains ovule (egg cell)


7 Make sure you know the life cycles of seed plants pg 266 and pg 269

8 Coevolution Some specific insect or animals are attracted to the nectar in specific flowers (and will thus pollinate them) It is believed they evolved together: plant feeding insect while insect helps plant reproduce Madagascar hawkmoth and orchid

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