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VARUN VOLUNTARY ASSOCIATION FOR RURAL UPLIFTMENT AND NETWORKING Type: Non-Formal Educational Centers Primary Focus: Remedial Education Region : Rural Areas.

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Presentation on theme: "VARUN VOLUNTARY ASSOCIATION FOR RURAL UPLIFTMENT AND NETWORKING Type: Non-Formal Educational Centers Primary Focus: Remedial Education Region : Rural Areas."— Presentation transcript:

1 VARUN VOLUNTARY ASSOCIATION FOR RURAL UPLIFTMENT AND NETWORKING Type: Non-Formal Educational Centers Primary Focus: Remedial Education Region : Rural Areas July 2015


3 Chandauli District  Population: 19 Lakhs  Area: 2500  139 villages  27 Gram Pachayats, 8 Nyaya panchayats  95 primary schools and 45 Junior high schools, 1 intermediate and 1 Degree college.  Naugarh block’s literacy rate is one of the lowest amongst all blocks.  VARUN runs centers where there is no other facility

4 Purpose And Goals 1. To increase the level of literacy and intellectual development of the children in the targeted area. 2. To give technical instruction to increase skill level 3. To provide technical tools so that the local population can join the main stream society

5 About VARUN  Voluntary Association for Rural Upliftment & Networking (VARUN) is a self- motivated, social and non-profit organization. Varun started it activities in 1999.  Outline:  15 centers in 9 villages since year 2000. Asha-SV started funding in 2003.  6 centers today: Shahpur (secondary), Dobahi, Sukhdeopur, Jariyawan, Hadahi, Aurawatad.  10 educational centers converted to Govt. schools in the past.  Self help group (women micro finance). - Introduce Organic Farming (Nursery, Seed Bank)  Library (in 5 villages)  Permanent structures in Shahpur, Dobahi and Lerha.  All centers within 20km radius of Naugarh.  Govt schools established in Amritpur, Horila, Lerha, Shahpur, Jharia and Pathraur.  126 VARUN children found jobs in various fields like education, police, etc.  FCRA application re-submitted based on new requirements in month of May 2015.  People: Dr.S.P.Singh (PhD, Agriculture), Mr. A.K.Singh (Journalist) and few teachers like Ramkrit, Bhuvan Kumar, etc.

6 Current Status of teachers (need to update) Timing of School : July to March : 09.30 to 3.30 P.M. April to June : 7.00 to 12.00 P. M.

7 Student count in each center S.N. Name of Centers StudentsDetailsCategories of Students Details BGTotalSCOBCGen.Total 01Hadahi1708252104--25 02Aurawantand231235 -- 35 03Jhariyawan2816444301--44 04Imaliyadih081725 -- 25 05Dhobahi0814222002--22 06Shahpur3931705713--70 07Total1239822120120--221 05 Primary Level 01 Secondary Level

8 New update  Instead of Imiliyadih, new center opened at Badhanda, on the banks of Gurvat river. 25 children enrolled.  70% of Imliyadih population has fled, out of pressure from forest department.  Badhanda is totally cut-off from main-stream population because of inaccessibility of village. They are in dire need of help. Population of 95 with 42 males and 53 females.

9 Evaluation of centers  Aim to impart essential skills and knowledge – oral, written, analytical skills.  Head count  Cleanliness  Teaching methods and its reception by students.  Progress reports of school and students.  Infrastructure readiness.

10 Teachers meeting S.NProgramPlacePeriod Femal e MaleTotal 01Staff Meeting VARUN office Naugarh 09 Meeting--10 02 Teachers visit to door to door for Edu. purpose Villages of StudentscontinuesAll EducationCenter 03 Monthly test Examination All Education Centers July-Aug.,Oct.& Nov. 2014 and Jan.& Feb. 2015 All students 04Tri Monthly Examination All Education Centers 26-30 Sept.2014All students 05Half Yearly Examination All Education Centers 15-23 Dec. 2014All students 06Annual Examination All Education Centers 18-26 March 2015All students 07 Meeting of Village Education Committee All Education Centers MonthlyMembers of commitee 08Meeting of Library Committee Shahpur, DhobahiMonthlyMembers of committee

11 Outgoing student admissions S.N.Nomination in schoolClass PassedName of centerNos. of Students Nomination in Class 01 Kasturba Gandhi Awasiya Balika Vidyalaya,Majhgain, Naugarh Vth Dhobahi Aurawantand Hadahi 02 02 01 VI 02DhobahiVth Government Inter College, Naugarh 01VI 03AurawantandVth Chandrakanta Inter College,Naugarh 02VI 04AurawantandVth Junior High School, Chikani, Naugarh 01VI 05ShahpurVIIIthHigh School, Jamsot07IX Details of Class Vth & VIIIth Passed students Nomination in different School

12 Right to education S.N.Name of ProgramVenueResource PersonDateParticipate FMTotal 01Right to EducationDhobahiDr.S.P.Singh18.04.2015201737 02Right to EducationJhariyawanS.Singh & Ramkrit20.04.2015110718 03Right to EducationBhagandaRam Krit & Arvind22.04.2015032124 04Right to EducationAurawantandDr.S.P.Singh25.04.2015043135 05Right to EducationHadahiDr.S.P.Singh25.04.2015--14 06Right to EducationBhagandaRam Krit & S.Singh01.05,2015051318 07Right to EducationHorilaP.C.08.05.2015182240

13 Health activities  1 community hospital, 1 primary health care, 2 homeopath, 2 ayurvedic.

14 Panchayat election Awareness  Awareness about what is the role of panchayat President and who should be elected.

15 Budget proposal 2015-2016 S.NoUnit# of monthsTotal Amount (Rs.) APersonal Honorarium 1. Program Coordinator112x8000.0096,000.00 ii. Junior High School Head teacher112 x 3500.0042,000.00 iii. Junior High school teachers212 x 2 x 3000.0072,000.00 iv. Primary school Dobahi112 x 2400.00 28,800.00 v. Primary school –Hadahi112 x 2250.00 27,000.00 vi. Primary School – Imaliyadih112 x 2250.00 27,000.00 vii. Primary school – Jhariyawan112 x 2250.00 27,000.00 viii. Primary school-Auratawand112 x 2250.00 27,000.00 ix- Accountant112 x 1700.00 20,400.00 Sub total3,67,200.00

16 Budget Proposal (contd.) S.NoUnit# of monthsTotal Amount (Rs.) BStudy Material Study materials225225x35078,750.00 Cultural Program66 x 200024,000.00 Exposure Tour11x1500015,000.00 Repairing of centers66 x 1500.009,000.00 Teacher training22 x 5000.0010,000.00 Tapatti @Rs.26/feet200ft26 x 200ft5,200.00 Games material66x1000.006,000.00 Teaching aid materials66 x 500.003,000.00 Monthly meeting expense1212 x 350.004,200.00 Awareness programs (RTI, RTE, etc)2020 x 300060,000 Sub-total2,22,400.00

17 Budget Proposal (contd.) S.NoUnit# of monthsTotal Amount (Rs.) COperational costs Stationary12 x 500.006,000.00 Postage and xerox12 x 500.006,000.00 Communication12 x 1000.0012000.00 Travel and conveyance12 x 1200.0014,400.00 Bike maintenance12 x 600.007,200.00 Newspapers and magazines212 x 600.007,200.00 Field office expenses12 x 2500.0030,000.00 Sub – total79,200.00 Salary + Study materials + Operational costs = Rs.6,68,800/- (2014-2015)=Rs.5,99,150/-

18 Additional slides

19 Budget proposal 2014-2015 S.NoUnit# of monthsTotal Amount (Rs.) APersonal Honorarium 1. Program Coordinator112x7000.0084,000.00 ii. Community mobilizer112x5000.0060,000.00 iii. Junior High School Head teachers112 x 3200.0038,400.00 Iv. Junior High school teachers212 x 2 x 3000.0072,000.00 v. Primary school Dobahi112 x 2200.0026,400.00 vi. Primary school –Hadahi112 x 2000.0024,000.00 vii. Primary Schoo – Sukhdeopur112x 2000.0024,000.00 viii. Primary school – Jhariyawan112 x 2000.0024,000.00 ix. Primary school-Auratawand112 x 2000.0024,000.00 x- Accountant112 x 1500.0030,000.00 Sub total3,94,800.00

20 Budget Proposal (contd.) S.NoUnit# of monthsTotal Amount (Rs.) BStudy Material Study materials240240 x 35084000.00 Cultural Program66 x 200024,000.00 Exposure Tour11 x 2000020000.00 Repairing of centers66 x 1500.009,000.00 Teacher training22 x 5000.0010,000.00 Tapatti @Rs.26/feet200ft26 x 200ft5,200.00 Games material66x1000.006,000.00 Monthly meetings1212 x 3000.0024,000.00 Sub-total1,39,500.00

21 Budget Proposal (contd.) S.NoUnit# of monthsTotal Amount (Rs.) COperational costs Stationary12 x 400.004,800.00 Postage and xerox12 x 400.004,800.00 Communication12 x 800.0096,00.00 Travel and convenience12 x 1000.0012,000.00 Bike maintenance12 x 500.0060,000.00 Newspapers and magazines212 x 300.003600.00 Field office expenses12 x 2000.002,400.00 Sub – total67,200.00 Salary + Study materials + Operational costs = Rs. 5,99,150.00

22 Few Photographs





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