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Seating Chart  Get-to-know you/Welcome treat  About me  Disclosure.

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Presentation on theme: "Seating Chart  Get-to-know you/Welcome treat  About me  Disclosure."— Presentation transcript:

1 Seating Chart  Get-to-know you/Welcome treat  About me  Disclosure

2 Early Childhood 1A Mrs. Stevens

3 Career PATHWAYS – Which path are you on?

4 FAMILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCES Below are the eight Pathways in Family & Consumer Sciences Education: Child Development Consumer Economics Services Family and Human Services Fashion Design, Manufacturing and Merchandising Food Science, Dietetics and Nutrition Food Service and Culinary Arts Hospitality Services Interior Design

5 The STATE required performance objectives (assignments) are:  This course prepares students for child-related careers and/or more extensive parenting skills through instruction and on-site, hands-on, lab experience. Come prepared to Work, Participate, Learn, and Have Fun!

6  This course prepares students for occupations in child related careers and roles.  Instruction is given in child growth and development; child care programs, management, and policies; health and safety concerns; developmentally appropriate learning activities; and writing and teaching lesson plans  Purposes of the class are to:  Create an impressive teaching resource file  Continue coursework and hours towards the CDA license  Provide teaching experiences and quality care in the Northridge on-site child care training center.  Students will be expected to: Think of this place as your job. What is expected and acceptable on the job is the same for this class.

7 Supplies  Class Notebook (paid for with class fee)  Crayons  Markers  Colored Pencils  2” 3-ring notebook  20 (at least) clear page protectors  2 Glue sticks  Pen/Pencil every day

8 Student Expectations  This class will include: Observations, daily reflections, class presentations, hands-on experience in the childcare center, writing and implementing lesson plans for 3-5 year olds, and creating a teaching portfolio. We will also have lessons, guest speaker, assignments, tests, and CTE state competency test.  Each student will come to class prepared with class notebook and something to write with. Notebook and portfolio may be stored in the classroom.  Students are responsible for all information and work presented in class whether here or not. When absent, check the blog for updates. It is YOUR responsibility to let the teacher know ahead of time if you know you will be absent or to get work off of blog when sick, etc.  Check assignment board often for assignments & due dates.  Due to the numerous hands on experiences, group work, and activities done in class, it is necessary for each student to remain in control of and be responsible for their actions and talking.  Come to class ON TIME! Late students need to sign the tardy sheet before going to their seat. If you are more than 20 minutes late, you are marked absent. Citizenship will correspond with school attendance policy.  Follow all other school rules and policies:  No hats, cell phones, iPods, headphones, food/drink (except water), etc.  There is a $10.00 class fee - covers cost of notebook and child activities.  Worth 100 practice points ! Due_____________

9 NOT a STUDENT LOUNGE! GET INVOLVED! This class is not a student lounge. When you are here you will participate, work, learn, and have fun. If lounging about is more appealing than participating, I encourage you to find a lounging class.

10  Use suitable, clean, and polite language in the child care training center and on the playground.  Be professional and keep all information about the children confidential.  The children in the lab are children of those that work in our school and other district locations.

11  Dress appropriately for the children in the Child Care Training Center.  (Cover the 4 B’s – NO bums, bellies, breasts, or boxers should be visible) Head, Shoulders, knees, and Toes

12 Grading Grading will consist of projects, portfolio checks, tests, participation, and other assignments.  Grade Scale:  93 - 100 A90 - 92 A-87 - 89 B+  83 - 86 B80 - 82 B-77 - 79 C+  73 - 76 C70 - 72 C-67 - 69 D+ 63 - 66 D60 - 62 D - 59 - 0 F   ***Always keep every scored item until you have completed the class and received your final grade.***

13 Grading Cont.  Extra credit will be limited. Students can redeem “vouchers” that the end of each quarter. Each student receives 2 vouchers at the beginning of each quarter that can be used as a hall pass for “Late-work” pass that will void the 50% deduction. If these vouchers are not used by the end of the quarter, extra credit will be awarded.  Late Work Policy: Any assignment turned in after grading is late. Any late work turned in without a voucher will be deducted 50%.

14 Videos  Videos: We may watch numerous video clips to reinforce concepts taught in this class. We may watch clips from “Daddy Daycare” during our “Types of Daycare” unit and possibly parts of “Matilda” as we look at qualities needed in a childcare worker.

15  ► Due to recent concern regarding the Family Education Right to Privacy Act (FERPA), this is to let you know that some of the student’s assignments might be corrected by other students under the direction to the teacher. Students are advised that confidentiality and honesty are of the utmost importance. Any violation of such will be dealt with administratively. We might be looking at each other’s work.

16 Due Dates!  Disclosure & Supplies Due: September 4

17 Get-to-Know You  On your 3x5 card, fill out the following: 1. Full Name 2. Name Preferred 3. Birthday 4. Favorite Color 5. 1-2 Hobbies 6. 2 People in this class you would LOVE to take a vacation with! 7. A few sentences on why you took this class, what you hope to learn, etc. 8. Anything else important I need to know. (Accommodations, prefer to sit in front, etc.)

18 Tour with Susan!

19 Why were they your favorite teachers?  Think of favorite teachers.  On the paper, write qualities they had that made them your favorite.  Think of teachers you do not enjoy.  On the paper write qualities they had that contributed to this.  Turn in this paper  As a group, read through Helpful Hints for Working with Children.  Found on the front of the study guide. Groups

20 It is not about your knowledge of children, but how you care for children.  Paper doll “Me”  On the back write your personal your qualities (25) and your name.  Turn it in.

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