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The diseases occured due to the deficiency of nutrients in our body is called deficiency diseases.

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2 The diseases occured due to the deficiency of nutrients in our body is called deficiency diseases.


4 GOITRE Occurs due to the lack of iodine in our food. The main symptom is the swelling up of thyroid gland

5 KWASHIORKER  Found in children between 1-5 years.  Due to the lack of protein.  Stunted physical growth accompanied by retardation of mental growth,Loss of appetite,bulging eyes darkening of the skin etc are the symptoms.

6 MARASMUS Found in infants below the age of 1 year Due to the early replacement of mother’s milk by other foods deficient in protein and calorific value. Degenerated muscles lean body,sunken eyes,dry skin etc are the symptoms.

7 RICKETS  Found in infancy periodand early childhood.  Due to the deficiency of vitamin D.  Bowing of legs,decayed teeth,joint pain,defective bone formation etc are the symptoms.

8 ANAEMIA  Megaloblastic anaemia mainly found in pregnant women.  Deficiency of iron,vitamin B 12 & Folic acid.  Degeneration of peripheral nerves as well as part of spinal cord( PERNICIOUS ANAEMIA),Prescence of large immature nucleated RBC (MEGALOBLASTIC ANAEMIA ),pale skin etc are the main symptoms.

9 SCURVY Found in infants as well as childrens. Due to the deficiency of vitamin C. Decreases the resistance of the body,immunity power etc.

10 XEROPHTHALMIA Due to the deficiency of vitamin A. Thick,keratiniserd,opaque and ulcerated cornea of the eyes,dried cellssusceptible to bacterial infection are the symptoms.

11 BERI-BERI Found in adults. Due to the deficiency of vitamin B1 or thiamine. Inflammation of peripheral nerves,acute pain,weakening of muscles(paralysis) etc are the symptoms.

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