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Motor Development I. Age norms for important motor milestones II. The development of reaching A. Underlying skills of visually-guided reaching 1. Perceptual.

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Presentation on theme: "Motor Development I. Age norms for important motor milestones II. The development of reaching A. Underlying skills of visually-guided reaching 1. Perceptual."— Presentation transcript:

1 Motor Development I. Age norms for important motor milestones II. The development of reaching A. Underlying skills of visually-guided reaching 1. Perceptual abilities 2. Motor skill 3. Perceptual-motor coordination B. Reaching in neonates C. Normative sequence of reaching D. Reaching for a moving object E. Is visually-guided reaching a myth? III. The development of locomotion A. Perceptual information in locomotion 1. Perceiving the properties of surfaces 2. Control of balance 3. Visually-guided locomotion B. A systems approach to development of walking 1. Component skills 2. Relation between skills

2 Age Norms For Important Motor Milestones Skill50%90% Lifts head 90° 2.2 3.2 when lying on stomach Rolls over2.84.7 Sits (propped up)2.94.2 Sits (no support)5.57.8 Stands holding on5.810.0 Walks holding on9.212.7 Stands alone11.513.9 Walks well12.114.3 Walks up steps17.022.0 Kicks ball forward20.024.0

3 Necessary Skills for Visually-Guided Reaching 1.Perceptual skills Object recognition Figure-ground separation 2.Motor skills Arm and hand coordination Fine-motor coordination and control 3.Visual-motor integration and coordination Visual guidance of the hand Timing of the grasp

4 The Normative Sequence of Reaching 1 – 2 Months Glance at objects when present Begin to fixate objects for 5-10 sec Arms not organized with vision 2 – 3 Months Isolation of components breaks down Focus on objects Beginning of prehensory behavior Raise hand towards object 3 – 4 Months Mutual grasping, 1 or 2 hands Sometimes turn torso towards object 4 – 5 Months Integrated looking and grasping “Top-level” reaching Good grasping of object

5 Reaching For A Moving Object The number of reaches at each speed and age, expressed as a proportion of the maximum number of possible reaches (3 per condition).

6 Type of Contact With a Moving Object The type of contact with the object. Proportion of total number of reaches for “grasp,” “touch,” and “miss.”

7 Is Visually-Guided Reaching a Myth Reaching in the light versus the dark – individual subjects

8 Infants’ Perceptions of the Traversability of Surfaces The Walkway Apparatus

9 The Visual Control of Posture The Moving Room Apparatus

10 Visually-Guided Locomotion in Toddlers


12 A Systems Approach to Locomotion

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