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A NNUAL R EPORT A NALYSIS Brittani Gambrell Dr Pepper Snapple.

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1 A NNUAL R EPORT A NALYSIS Brittani Gambrell Dr Pepper Snapple


3 D R P EPPER S NAPPLE Chief Executive Officer Larry D. Young Location of Home Office(Headquarters) 5301 Legacy Drive Plano, TX 75024 Principal Products Beverages Geographic Area Canada, USA, Mexico, and Carribean

4 L ETTER TO THE S TOCKHOLDER 2010 was the first full year of dividends with the quarterly dividend 67% and raised the share repurchase plan to $2 billion Closed licensing deals with PepsiCo Inc and Coca-Cola Inc Published first ever corporate social responsibility report Celebrated 125 th anniversary of its debut in Morrison’s Old Corner Drugstore in Waco,Tx Brands volumes increased Expected to continued with success and is expected to outperform colas in 2011

5 R EPORT OF THE I NDEPENDENT A UDITORS Deloitte and Touche LLP Good financial procedures in the company and records are correct


7 I NCOME S TATEMENT * IN MILLIONS 20092010 Gross Margin60%59% Income from operations $1,085$1,025 Net Income$555$525 Earnings per share$2.18$2.19

8 B ALANCE S HEETS $8,8596,400$2,459 AssetsLiabilities Owner’s Equity

9 S TATEMENT OF C ASH F LOWS Cash flows from operations have been more than net income in the last two years. The company has lost money through investing activities for the past two years. The companies most important source of financing is current and non-current deferred revenue. Cash has increased greatly over the past two years.


11 In 2011 Sun Drop will become a national brand through MTV Motts will be rolling out Garden Blend vegetable juice and there will be an expansion of Mott’s for Tots Hawaiian Punch will be redesigned with fewer calories and there will be a look for “Punchy” the character on the bottle There will be movie tie ins for both Dr.Pepper and the Core 4 brands There will be television tie ins for Snapple and 7up Dr.Pepper recently signed an agreement with Popeyes to bring in Hawaiian Punch and Dr.Pepper By 2015 the DPS is expected to provide a full range of products with at least 50% of projects focused on reducing calories, offering smaller sizes and improving nutrition

12 W OULD I P URCHASE THIS STOCK ? Definitely. This companies profits are increasing every year and there marketing strategies should definitely bring in even more profit. *The stocks current price is 38.14 this has gone up from the past year but it is not the highest it had been in the year. I would definitely buy now because it is low right now.

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