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9. Implementation1 Implementation of Product-Based Approach r1. Optimization of product development r2. Allocation of familiar tasks.

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Presentation on theme: "9. Implementation1 Implementation of Product-Based Approach r1. Optimization of product development r2. Allocation of familiar tasks."— Presentation transcript:

1 9. Implementation1 Implementation of Product-Based Approach r1. Optimization of product development r2. Allocation of familiar tasks

2 9. Implementation2 1. Optimization of Product Development rAdapting the process rPerforming an activity once rOmitting activities rUsing one group of people rRolling up information rEmbedding tasks rDoing what people do naturally rAvoiding duplication rAvoiding low-value concepts rAvoiding events that are OBE rAvoiding over-run 1. Optimization of product development

3 9. Implementation3 Adapting the Process rAdapt process by l Using PBD activities as template l Adapting PBD activities to the program 1. Optimization of product development

4 9. Implementation4 Performing an Activity Once in a Program rPerform the following tasks once at the program level l Processes l Tools l Communications and library l Life cycle plan l IMP, SEMP, SDP 1. Optimization of product development

5 9. Implementation5 Performing an Activity Once in an Enterprise rWork the following only once at the enterprise level l People l Facilities l Capital l Tools 1. Optimization of product development

6 9. Implementation6 Omitting Activities rExamples of products not needing the acquire activity l Software l Providing a service l Products having no lower products rExample of product not needing activities after design l Studies rExample of products not needing verify activity l Program that move all testing to the highest level 1. Optimization of product development

7 9. Implementation7 Using One Group of People (1 of 2) rUsing a common group of people for each of the following across all products l Reliability l Maintainability l Safety l Supportability l Training l Test planning 1. Optimization of product development

8 9. Implementation8 Rolling Up Information rMaintain the following at the product level but roll results to top l Schedule l Budget l TPPs 1. Optimization of product development

9 9. Implementation9 Embedding Tasks rEmbed the following as indicated l Processes into PBD activities l Plans into the schedule l Trade studies and analysis into requirements, design, and verification l Validation into requirements and design l Testability, supportability, reliability, and maintainability into design 1. Optimization of product development

10 9. Implementation10 Doing What People Do Naturally rProductivity can be increased by asking people to do things they do naturally rPeople resist doing work the hard way rExamples l Using familiar tools l Avoiding change of focus l Avoiding unuseful work 1. Optimization of product development

11 9. Implementation11 Using Familiar Tools rAllowing people to use familiar tools improves productivity rPeople prefer using tools they’re use to rFor example, people prefer using Word, Excel, and PowerPoint rather than data base tools like RTM, SLATE, or DOORS 1. Optimization of product development

12 9. Implementation12 rAllowing people to focus on one area at a time improves productivity rPeople resist frequent changes of focus Avoiding Change of Focus 1. Optimization of product development

13 9. Implementation13 Example 1 -- Writing rFocuses -- Content, grammar, and spelling rDesirable -- Check each once per document rUndesirable -- Check each once per sentence 1. Optimization of product development

14 9. Implementation14 Example 2 -- Requirements Management rFocuses -- Content, VM, and tracing rDesirable -- Check each once per document rUndesirable -- Check each once per requirement 1. Optimization of product development

15 9. Implementation15 Example 3 -- Documentation of Studies rFocuses -- Content and documentation rDesirable -- Check each once per study rUndesirable -- Check each once per update 1. Optimization of product development

16 9. Implementation16 Avoiding Duplication rAvoid duplication in the following areas l Requirements between levels in the product hierarchy l Requirements between requirements, design, and verification descriptions l Tutorial information such as product descriptions l Designs between levels of product hierarchy l Analyses and trade studies resulting from having lost earlier versions 1. Optimization of product development

17 9. Implementation17 Avoiding Low-Value Concepts rError paths in processes rIteration in processes rStudies without objectives Editorial 1. Optimization of product development

18 9. Implementation18 Avoiding Error Paths in Processes rAssume a success-oriented attitude; and if an obstacle presents itself, find a way around the obstacle. rError paths in processes appear to give completion since they represent the path to be taken in case of an undesired outcome rError paths clutter process diagrams, require time to obtain agreement on their design and are almost never tracked in processes 1. Optimization of product development

19 9. Implementation19 Avoiding Iteration in Processes rAvoid iteration in processes rIteration and recursion in process diagrams reflect a common practice rThe common practice is to try to do something; and then if unsuccessful, try again. rLike error paths, iteration and recursion require time to obtain agreement on their design and are almost never tracked in processes 1. Optimization of product development

20 9. Implementation20 Simpler Approach rJust do the task and not document ways of failing to reach the goal 1. Optimization of product development

21 9. Implementation21 Avoiding Studies without Objectives rGive objectives to trade studies and analysis rTreat as tools and use them when needed rAvoid performing them for their own sake 1. Optimization of product development

22 9. Implementation22 Avoiding Events that are OBE (1 of 2) rCost can be saved by not dwelling on work that has been overcome by events (OBE) rThere are two main sets of management objects in developing a product l 1. Management objects l 2. Objects involving design, lower product requirements and interfaces, test specs, and test procedures 1. Optimization of product development

23 9. Implementation23 Avoiding Events that are OBE (2 of 2) rObjects that are in one of these two main sets are easier to maintain rObjects not in one of these two sets are ignored and become obsolete rExamples are l Plans l Studies l Justifications l Traces 1. Optimization of product development

24 9. Implementation24 Avoiding Over-Run (1 of 2) rProductivity can be improved by ensuring that the product engineering staff doesn’t get over-run by development of lower products rLower products depend upon receiving requirements from a higher product 1. Optimization of product development

25 9. Implementation25 Avoiding Over-Run (2 of 2) rIf the higher product don’t provide the requirements needed by the lower product, then the lower products will pass the higher product and ignore its direction. rA priority of product engineering is to provide product design that results in specifying the requirements for the lower product. 1. Optimization of product development

26 9. Implementation26 2. Allocation of Familiar Tasks rThere are a large number of tasks that appear in literature relating to developing products rThe allocation given in the following vugraphs show where these tasks can fit into the product-based development approach 2. Allocation of familiar tasks

27 9. Implementation27 Objective of Allocation rReduce the number of separate tasks into the maintenance of the much smaller set of management objects used in the PBD approach 2. Allocation of familiar tasks

28 9. Implementation28 Allocation to Manage (1 of 4) rLife cycle plan l Life cycle plan rSchedule and budget l Budget l Schedule l WBS l C/SCS plan l Financial control plan l Contracts plan 2. Allocation of familiar tasks

29 9. Implementation29 Allocation to Manage (2 of 4) rReviews l Technical audit plan rRisks l Risk management plan rTechnical performance measurements (TPPs) l TPPs rIssues, problems, and actions l Problem notification system l Action item system 2. Allocation of familiar tasks

30 9. Implementation30 Allocation to Manage (3 of 4) rConfigurations and changes l Configuration management plan l Spec control plan l Documentation plan l Drafting plan l Data management plan rPeople l Staffing plan 2. Allocation of familiar tasks

31 9. Implementation31 Allocation to Manage (4 of 4) rFacilities, tools, and capital l Space and facilities plan l Capital plan l Security plan rCommunications and library l CALS implementation plan rLegal l Contracts plan 2. Allocation of familiar tasks

32 9. Implementation32 Allocation to Understand Customer rRequirements spec rTraceability plan 2. Allocation of familiar tasks

33 9. Implementation33 Allocation to Design (1 of 3) rDesign guide rRequirements spec rTraceability plan rTechnology plan rSpec tree 2. Allocation of familiar tasks

34 9. Implementation34 Allocation to Design (2 of 3) rIntegrated diagnostics plan rEMC plan rMaintainability program plan rReliability program plan rSystem safety program plan rHuman engineering program plan 2. Allocation of familiar tasks

35 9. Implementation35 Allocation to Design (3 of 3) rLogistics support analysis plan rIntegrated support plan rTestability program plan rHazardous material management plan rTraining plan rDTC/LCC plan 2. Allocation of familiar tasks

36 9. Implementation36 Allocation to Acquire Products rMaterial team rSubcontracts management team 2. Allocation of familiar tasks

37 9. Implementation37 Allocation to Build rTest equipment and factory test plan rParts control rSoftware quality program plan rHardware quality engineering plan rProducibilty plan 2. Allocation of familiar tasks

38 9. Implementation38 Allocation to Verify rTest plan rTest and evaluation master plan rTest engineering automation plan 2. Allocation of familiar tasks

39 9. Implementation39 Allocation to Sell-Off rWarranty plan 2. Allocation of familiar tasks

40 9. Implementation40 Allocation Vs Management Plans rThe preceding allocations didn’t show accumulation plans rExamples are l Integrated management plan (IMP) l System engineering management plan (SEMP) l Software development plan (SDP) l Hardware management plan (HDP) 2. Allocation of familiar tasks

41 9. Implementation41 Conclusion of Allocation rMaintaining a few documents focused into a few areas is easier than maintaining a large number of documents that are not related 2. Allocation of familiar tasks

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