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Physical Development Endocrine System: group of endocrine glands that secrete chemicals called hormones Pituitary Gland: master endocrine gland that produces.

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Presentation on theme: "Physical Development Endocrine System: group of endocrine glands that secrete chemicals called hormones Pituitary Gland: master endocrine gland that produces."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physical Development Endocrine System: group of endocrine glands that secrete chemicals called hormones Pituitary Gland: master endocrine gland that produces growth hormone Thyroid Gland: also involved in growth Ovaries and Testes: are endocrine glands responsible for development of reproductive system prenatally and sexual development during adolescence

2 Brain Development Cerebral Cortex: largest structure of human brain; has two hemispheres Lobes: frontal, occipital, temporal and parietal Lateralization: specialization of the functions of the two hemispheres Plasticity: openness of brain cells to positive and negative environmental influences

3 Changes in Neurons Neuron: nerve cell that handles information processing Axon: carries signals away from cell body Dendrites: carries signals toward cell body Myelin sheath: layer of fat cells that encases many axons Terminal button: releases neurotransmitters into synapses, or gaps between neuron’s fibers.

4 Influences on Early Physical Growth
Sensitive period: Romanian orphanage studies Heredity: catch-up growth: physical growth that returns to a genetically determined path after being delayed by environmental factors Nutrition: breast vs. bottle feeding Malnutrition: marasmus and kwashiorkor

5 Principles of Growth Cephalocaudal: earliest growth always occurs at the top, the head Proximodistal: growth starts at center of body and moves toward extremities Orthogenetic: development starts globally and undifferentiated

6 Newborn Capabilities Reflex: unlearned and involuntary response to a stimulus Survival Reflexes: breathing, eye blink and sucking Primitive Reflexes: no apparent adaptive function

7 Physical Behavior Developmental Norm: age at which half of US infants master particular motor milestones Gross Motor Skills: involve large muscles and whole body or limb movements; mastered before fine motor skills Fine Motor Skills: involve precise movements of hands, fingers, feet or toes

8 Emergence of Motor Skills
Dynamic Systems Approach: view of development as a self-organizing process; use sensory feedback to modify motor behavior in adaptive ways

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