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Theradiagnostics for cancer

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1 Theradiagnostics for cancer
Patrick Willems GENDIA Antwerp, Belgium

2 Treatment of cancer Personalised treatment Surgery Radiation
Chemotherapy Personalised treatment


4 Personalized cancer treatment
Immunotherapy to modulate immune response : Interferon (IFN) alfa-2b, IL2 (interleukin 2) CTLA-4 inhibitors PD-1 inhibitors PD-L1 inhibitors Targeted therapy with designer drugs to target the genetic cause of the tumor EGFR inhibitors BRAF inhibitor MEK inhibitor

5 Bottlenecks in personalized cancer treatment
Immunotherapy Extremely expensive ( Euro/year) Few biomarkers (companion diagnostics) Targeted therapy with designer drugs Very expensive ( Euro/year) Biomarkers (companion diagnostics)

6 Bottlenecks in personalized cancer treatment
The very high cost of personalised treatment makes companion diagnostics (cancer biomarkers) necessary These are referred to as Theradiagnostics


8 Theradiagnostics Tumor DNA (FFPE - biopsy)
Circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA in liquid biopsy)

9 Market for theradiagnostics
TARGETS DRUGS SEQUENCING Theradiagnostics market : 40 Billion USD per year

10 Current paradigm PATIENT PHYSICIAN PATHOLOGIST general treatment visit
Result Pathological studies sample PATHOLOGIST Lab

11 Future paradigm PATIENT PHYSICIAN PHARMA LAB Personalised treatment
visit PHYSICIAN PHARMA Result Molecular testing sample LAB Pathologist

12 The changing face of cancer diagnosis
Haematologist Main interest pathogen. AML Developing interest in molecular diagnostics ... and I will talk to you about the potential impact of advances in DNA sequencing technologies on the field of cancer Δ , albeit with a slight overrepresentation of examples drawn from haematological cancers

13 Cancer Morbidity and Mortality

14 New cancers per year in Belgium 11 million inhabitants
Lung : Colon : Prostate : Breast : TOTAAL :

15 Treatment of cancer Surgery Radiation Chemotherapy
Personalised treatment : Immunotherapy Targeted therapy with designer drugs

16 Immunotherapy for cancer
CTLA-4 (cytotoxic T-lymphocyte–associated antigen 4) : ipilimumab, tremelimumab PD-1 (programmed death-1) : nivolumab, pembrolizumab, Lambrolizumab, pidilizumab PD-L1 (programmed death-1 ligand) : BMS , MEDI4736, MPDL3280A and MSB C Other checkpoints : TIM3, LAG3, VISTA, KIR, OX40, CD40, CD137

17 Inhibition immune checkpoints

18 Biomarkers for immunotherapy for Colorectal cancer
Few biomarkers for immunotherapy First real biomarker : MicroSatellite Instability (MSI) Response to pembrolizumab (PD-1 inhibitor) in CRC MMR-proficient : 0 % MMR-deficient : 40 % NEJM : May 30, 2015 (Vogelstein group)

19 MSI as biomarker for immunotherapy
MMR deficiency Genomic instability Large mutation load in CRC Many mutant proteins – neo antigens Immune response with immunotherapy

20 MSI as biomarker for immunotherapy in CRC
MMR deficiency Genomic instability Large mutation load in CRC Many mutant proteins – neo antigens Immune response with immunotherapy

21 Treatment of cancer Surgery Radiation Chemotherapy
Personalised treatment : Immunotherapy Targeted therapy with designer drugs

22 Targeted treatment for cancer
Personalised targeted treatment inhibits specific mutations that cause cancer These mutations are patient-specific Mutations can be detected by molecular studies of : . tumor material (biopsy) : FFPE, fresh or frozen . blood (liquid biopsy) Therapy is dependent upon the specific mutation Personalised medicine

23 Which genetic anomalies cause cancer ?

24 Genetics of cancer Majority of cancers are caused by genetic anomalies in the tumor (somatic mutations) Minority of cancers is inherited (germline mutations) Breast Cancer : 10 % Colon cancer : 3-5% Prostate cancer : low Lung cancer : very low

25 Cancer gene mutations Germline Somatic Genes Wellknown genes
Limited number of genes Cancer-specific genes Still largely unknown Large number of genes Cancer-specific (APC) and aspecific (BRAF, EGFR, KRAS) genes Mutations 1 or 2 mutations per patient Large number of different mutations Unknown (novel-private) mutations Inactivating sequence mutations Many mutations in each patient Limited number Recurrent mutations Few inactivating sequence mutations Inactivating hypermethylation (MLH1) Activating sequence variants Amplification of genes (HER2) Deletions of genes (PTEN)

26 Two step cancer theory (Knudson)
Retinoblastoma (RB1 gene) Mesothelioma Uveal melanoma (BAP1 gene)

27 Two step cancer theory (Knudson)
Inherited cancer : Germline mutation in all cells Somatic mutation in cancer cell Sporadic cancer : No germline mutation Somatic mutations in the 2 gene copies in cancer cell

28 Multistep cancer theory (Vogelstein)
Vogelstein et al, Science Aug 22, 2013

29 Cancer genes and mutations
140 driver genes 60 % Tumor suppressor genes 40 % Oncogenes > 1000 driver gene mutations (Most tumors 2-10 driver gene mutations) Millions of passenger gene mutations (Most tumors passenger gene mutations)

30 Mutations in cancer Gate keeper mutations : transforms normal cell into tumor cell Rb in retinoblastoma APC in colon cancer Driver mutations : confers growth advantage to tumor cell HER2 in breast cancer KRAS in colon cancer Passenger mutations : accidental mutation not conferring growth advantage to tumor cell Any gene Also driver gene

31 Driver and passenger gene mutations
TUMOR MUTATIONS EXPLANATION HNPCC 1782 Genomic instability Lung 150 Mutagen (smoke) Melanoma 80 Mutagen (sun) Tumors with high mutation load due to Mutagens or genomic instability form many neoantigens and are candidates for immunotherapy

32 Inactivating mutation Activating point mutations
Somatic mutations GENE MECHANISM TARGETED THERAPY APC Inactivating mutation TP53 EGFR Activating point mutations Gene Amplification Overexpression ligands Overexpression nuclear EGFR Cetuximab, panitumumab erlotinib, gefitinib, afatinib KRAS Activating point mutations Tipifarnib, lonafarnib BRAF Dabrafenib, sorafenib,vemurafenib, NRAS MEK162 PIK3CA P

33 Inactivating somatic mutations in cancer
Breast Lung Colon Prostate Cancer-specific gene BRCA --- APC MLH1 TP53 23 34 48 16 P

34 Activating somatic mutations in cancer
Melanoma Breast Lung CRC Prostate KRAS 17 35 5 NRAS 13-25 3-5 BRAF 10-50 1-4 8-15 PIK3CA 26 4 22 2 EGFR 34 ?? CTNNB1 2-3 48 P

35 Cell growth and survival pathway

36 Cell growth pathway Ligands Receptors : EGFR
Secondary messengers : 2 pathways : 1. MAPK / RAS pathway : RAS, BRAF, MEK, ERK, Cyclins, CDK4/6 2. mTOR / AKT pathway : PIK3CA, PTEN, AKT, mTOR

37 Classical treatment in colon cancer
Surgery Chemotherapy In case of EGFR mutation or overexpression Start anti EGFR therapy : mAB : cetuximab, panitumumab TKI : erlotinib, gefitinib, afatinib

38 EGFR mutations Lung Ca : activating mutations in TK domain
Glioblastoma : activating mutations in Extracellular domain Colorectal ca : unclear : Overexpression membrane EGFR (mEGFR) Overexpression nuclear EGFR (nEGFR) Gene Amplification Overexpression ligands Activating point mutations

39 EGFR status

40 Anti-EGFR therapy mAB : cetuximab, panitumumab
TKI : erlotinib, gefitinib, afatinib

41 EGFR Resistance : T790M mutation
Inhibitors of EGFR with the T790M mutation : AZD9291 CO-1831

42 EGFR resistance : KRAS and BRAF mutations

43 EGFR resistance in CRC: KRAS and BRAF mutations
Resistance against EGFR therapy KRAS mutation : 40 % BRAF mutation : 8-15 % NRAS mutation : 1-6 % Mostly pre-existent – selection due to anti-EGFR treatment Also new due to ongoing mutagenesis ? Addition of BRAF or MEK inhibitor

44 EGFR resistance in CRC : PIK3CA mutation
Resistance against EGFR therapy PIK3CA mutation : % PTEN loss Addition of mTOR inhibitor

45 PIK3CA PIK3CA encodes p110 subunit of Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase
PIK3 phosphorylates PI PI is central in AKT/mTOR pathway PIK3CA driver mutations in : Breast cancer (26 %) Endometrium (23 %) Colon (22 %) Non-tumor : somatic overgrowth syndromes (Cowden and Clove syndrome) Therapy : PIK3, AKT, mTOR inhibitors

46 Why genetic studies on tumor DNA ?
Initial diagnosis and prognosis Monitoring recurrence – metastasis

47 Genetic studies in cancer
Blood DNA If CRC occurs in different family members : Genetic studies on DNA from blood to identify a germline mutation (BRCA) Tumor MSI : in order to determine sensitivity for immunotherapy Mutations in EGFR, KRAS, BRAF, NRAS, PIK3CA to determine sensitivity for targeted therapy Liquid biopsy Initial theradiagnostics if tumor material is unavailable Follow up during cancer treatment Screening of high risk patients (HNPCC carriers, BRCA carriers)

48 Genetic studies of somatic mutations
DNA studies on tumor material Analysis of DNA from tumor (FFPE, fresh, frozen) Circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) in Liquid biopsy Analysis of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) in blood

49 Circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA)

50 ctDNA ctDNA from tumor tissue is released
through secretion, necrosis and apoptosis, but mainly through apoptosis. ctDNA

51 cell-free DNA (cfDNA) testing
Cell-free DNA (cfDNA) in plasma of healthy individuals : Mandel and Métais (1948) A proportion of cfDNA in pregnant women is fetus-derived (cffDNA) : Lo et al. (1997) Non-Invasive Prenatal testing (NIPT) : 2012 : start 2015 : > 1 million tests   Market : 4 billion USD Increased concentrations of cfDNA in the circulation of cancer patients : Leon et al. (1977) A proportion of cfDNA is tumor-derived : Stroun et al. (1987) Circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) testing (liquid biopsy) : 2015 : start   Market : 40 billion USD

52 Advantages liquid biopsies
No tissue biopsy needed No FFPE fixation Profiling the overall genotype of cancer primary cancer circulating cells metastases Better evaluation of : reaction to therapy development of resistance



55 Companies focusing on Theradiagnostics
Cynvenio BGI Agena Bioscience Boreal Genomics Chronix Biomedical Genomic Health Guardant Health Inivata Molecular MD Pangaea Biotech Myriad Genetics Pathway Genomics Natera Personal Genome Diagnostics Sysmex Inostics Trovagene ETC Theradiagnostics market : 40 Billion USD per year

56 ct DNA testing on liquid biopsy for CRC
1. DESCRIPTION : ct DNA testing on liquid biopsies : 90 mutations in 9 cancer genes : EGFR TP53 KRAS BRAF PIK3CA 2. SAMPLE : blood in specific test kits with Streck tubes (GENDIA) 3. TURNAROUND TIME : 3 weeks 4. PRICE : 650 Euro NRAS CTNNB1 GNAS FOXL2

57 How offer ctDNA testing to your patients ?
1. Take blood yourself : to ask for kits 2. Refer to our consultation : to ask for an appointment


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