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1 TRANSPORTATION ENERGY USE DIVISION Welcome to US & Canada Transportation Border Working Group Meeting 14 April 2010 Boston, MA.

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Presentation on theme: "1 TRANSPORTATION ENERGY USE DIVISION Welcome to US & Canada Transportation Border Working Group Meeting 14 April 2010 Boston, MA."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 TRANSPORTATION ENERGY USE DIVISION Welcome to US & Canada Transportation Border Working Group Meeting 14 April 2010 Boston, MA

2 2 Canada’s GHG Emissions Distribution by Sector

3 3 Transportation

4 4 Chicken or Egg? Government concerns for –  Oil supplies  Air quality & emissions reductions  Global Climate Change

5 5 Chicken or Egg? General Public / Consumer concerns demonstrating – Emerging consumer preferences for locally produced products Consumer choices in purchasing decision (full cycle manufacturing) Manufacturers' recognition of economic & energy benefits

6 6 ecoFREIGHT - Joint $61m initiative with NRCan & Transport Canada Consists of six components:  National Harmonization Initiative for the Trucking Industry (TC)  Freight Technology Demonstration Fund (TC)  Freight Technology Incentives (TC)  ecoFREIGHT Partnerships (TC)  Marine Shore Power (TC )  ecoENERGY for Fleets (NRCan) ecoTRANSPORT

7 7 What is FleetSmart ? (ecoENERGY for fleets) A program at Natural Resources Canada to help commercial & institutional fleets reduce fuel consumption & emissions through improved energy efficient practices. Programs for on-road vehicles > Trucks – highway, forestry, urban > Bus – highway coach, transit, school buses > Urban – municipalities, utilities, light-duty fleets (ie. taxi, courier)

8 8 How do we do it? Training & Education Information on Technologies Idling awareness campaigns Industry Partnerships FleetSmart

9 9 Why SmartDRIVER? Driver – the most important on-board technology Up to 35% difference between the ‘best’ and the ‘poorest’ driver The investment in fuel-efficient technology will not pay off if the driver is not trained to drive efficiently

10 10 FleetSmart’s SmartDRIVER Series

11 11 A ready-made program for fuel-efficient driving Adult learning techniques Free instructor kit for qualified instructors Train-the-trainer sessions SmartDRIVER con’t Topics Factors that affect fuel economy Spec’ing a truck Vehicle care & inspection Driving practices & recommendations Fuel efficient driving Kit Instructor Guide Overheads Participant Handbook Audio Book CD – self study/novella Certificates for Drivers

12 12 Fuel Management 101  1-day workshop for fleet / operations How to make a fuel plan oBenchmark oAnalyze, evaluate and improve NEW (in development):  Web Tool - load/track mixed fleets on-line  SmartMechanic - targeting mechanics - both light and heavy duty vehicles To encourage proper vehicle maintenance to reduce fuel consumption and GHG emissions  Energy Efficiency Integration Initiative – a five phase initiative to have EE an integral part of earning a commercial operators license in 10 provinces & 3 territories. FleetSmart initiatives

13 13 Idling Reduction Awareness

14 14 Awareness - Idling

15 15 Measuring Impacts Driver Training factors: o # of drivers trained o Drivers/vehicle o Average annual vehicle travel o GHG emissions/km o Expected impact/retention (studies) o averaging 5 – 8 % across all vehicle groups Idling factors: o # of participating truck stops / bus visits o Duration of campaign o Retention o Average idling reduction hours o Fuel consumption at idle o GHG emissions factor

16 16 Industry Partners All major vehicle associations in Canada  Canadian Trucking Alliance  Private Motor Truck Council of Canada  Canadian Industrial Transportation Association  Motor Coach Canada  Canadian Urban Transit Association MOU – US EPA: SmartWay Transport Partnership

17 17 Canada - U.S. Freight Movement Cooperation Frequent movement of cross-border freight requires collaboration with U.S. EPA SmartWay MOU between FleetSmart and SmartWay in 2005 to share training tools and information  SmartWay adaptation of FleetSmart’s SmartDriver  FleetSmart’s adaptation of FleetModel  Share outreach & collateral materials  Host jointly a major transportation efficiency conference (Same Roads, New Challenges – 2008)

18 18 Cost of 110 min 1.83hr x 4 litres fuel = 7.32 ltrs x 150,000 trucks = 1,098,000 litres @ $0.95 = $1,043,100.00 Cost of 25 min.42hr x 4 litres fuel = 1.68 ltrs x 150,000 trucks = 252,000 litres In Canada cost of idling 150,000 trucks per day TRUCK IDLING @ $0.95 = $1,043,100.00 3,854 tons GHG @ $0.95 = $239,400.00 884 tons GHG @ 3.51 kg/ltr ghg

19 19 Thank You Lynda Harvey 613-960-7241

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