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Presentation on theme: "PSEUDO-RELEVANCE FEEDBACK FOR MULTIMEDIA RETRIEVAL 2011-11709 Seo Seok Jun."— Presentation transcript:


2 Abstract Video information retrieval ◦ Finding info. relevant to query Approach ◦ Pseudo-relevance feedback ◦ Negative PRF

3 Questions How this paper approach to content- based video retrieval What is the advantage of negative PRF What this paper do to remove extreme outliers

4 Introduction Content-based access to video info. CBVR ◦ Allow users to query and retrieve based on audio and video ◦ Limite  capturing fairly low-level physical features  Color, texture, shape, …  Difficult to determine similarity metrics  diff. query scenario -> diff. similarity metrics  Animals -> by shape  Sky, water -> by color

5 Introduction ◦ Making the similarity metric adaptive Adapting similarity metric ◦ Automatically discover the discriminating feature subspace ◦ How?  Cast as classification problem  Margin-based classifier  SVMs, Adaboosting  High performance  Learning the maximal margin hyperplane  Users’ query only provides a small positive data with no explicit negative data at all

6 Introduction ◦ Thus, to use, more training data needed  Negative examples  Random sampling  As positive data # in a collection is very small  Risk: positive examples might be included as negative  In standard relevance feedback  Ask user to label  Tedious!  Automatic retrieval is essential!

7 Introduction  Automatic relevance feedback  Based on not tailored to specific queries  Negative feedback -> sample the bottom-ranked examples  Ex) car -> different from query images in “shape”  Feedback negative data  re-weight  Refine discriminating feature subspace  Learning algorithm would be better than universal similarity metric(used in all query)

8 Introduction Learning process ◦ Purpose  Discover a better similarity metric  Finding the most discriminating subspace between positive and negative examples. ◦ Cannot produce fully accurate classification  Training data is too small ◦ Negative distribution -> not reliable! ◦ Risk! -> feedback from incorrect estimate ◦ Combining! (with generic similarity metric)

9 Related work Briefly discuss some of the features of complete system ◦ The Informedia Digital Video Library ◦ Relevance and Pseudo-Relevance Feedback

10 Pseudo-Relevance Feedback Similar to relevance feedback ◦ Both oriented from document retrieval ◦ Without any user intervention ◦ Few study in multimedia retrieval yet  No longer can assume top ranked are always relevant  Relatively poor performance of visual retrieval

11 Pseudo-Relevance Feedback Positive example based learning ◦ Partially supervised learning ◦ Begin with a small # of positive examples ◦ No negative examples ◦ Goal: associate all examples in collection with one of the given categories  Out goal?  Producing a ranked list of the examples

12 Pseudo-Relevance Feedback Semi-supervised learning ◦ Two classifier ◦ Training set of labeled data ◦ Working set of unlabeled data Transductive learning ◦ Paradigms to utilize the info. of unlabeled data ◦ Successful in image retrieval ◦ Computation is too expensive  Multimedia -> large collection

13 Pseudo-Relevance Feedback Query: text + audio + image/video Retrieving a set of relevant video shot ◦ Permutation of the video shots ◦ Sorted by their similarity  Difference(two video segments) -> similarity metric ◦ Video feature  Multiple perspective  Speech transcript, audio, camera motion, video frame

14 Pseudo-Relevance Feedback Retrieval as classification problem ◦ Data collection can be separated into pos/neg ◦ Mean average precision  Precision and recall is common measure  But not taking the rank into consideration  Area under an ideal recall/precision curve

15 Pseudo-Relevance Feedback PRF ◦ Users’ judgment -> output of a base similarity metric ◦ f b : base similarity metric ◦ p: sampling strategy ◦ f l : learning algorithm ◦ g: combination strategy

16 Pseudo-Relevance Feedback

17 Algorithm Details



20 Pseudo-Relevance Feedback Positive example ◦ Query examples Negative example ◦ Strongest negative examples Feedback only one time ◦ Computational issue Automatically feedback the training data based on generic similarity metric ◦ To learn adaptive similarity metric ◦ Generalize the discriminating subspace for various queries

21 Pseudo-Relevance Feedback Why good? ◦ Good generalization ability of margin-based learning algorithm Isotropic data distribution -> invalid ◦ Directions vary with different queries, topics  Sky -> color  Car -> shape ◦ In this case, PRF provide better similar metric than generic.

22 Pseudo-Relevance Feedback Test two case ◦ Positive data  Along the edge of the data collection  Center of the data collection ◦ Both case  PRF superior  Base similarity metric: generic metric  Cannot be modified across query

23 Pseudo-Relevance Feedback

24 PRF metric can be adapted based on the global data distribution and training data ◦ By feeding back the negative examples ◦ Near optimal decision boundary Associate higher score ◦ Farther away from the negative data ◦ Good when positive data are near the margin  Common in high dimensional spaces

25 Pseudo-Relevance Feedback Downside ◦ Some neg. outlier assigned a higher score than any positive data -> more false alarm ◦ Solution  Combining base metric and PRF metric  Smooth out most of the outlier  Just simple linear combination(1:1)  Reasonable trade-off between local classification behavior and global discriminating ability

26 Experiment Video: TREC Video Retrieval Track Text: NIST ◦ 40 hours of MPEG-1 video Audio: splits the audio from the video ◦ Down-samples to 16cKz, 16 bit sample Speech recognition system ◦ Broadcast news transcript Image processing side ◦ Low-level image features; color and texture ◦ Query as xml

27 Experiment

28 Results

29 Results

30 Results

31 Results

32 results

33 conclusion Classification task Machine learning theory to video retrieval SVMs learn to weight the discriminating features Negative PRF ◦ Separate the means of distributions of the neg. and pos. examples Smoothing with combination


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