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Informational Meeting Indirect Discharge Permit October 12, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Informational Meeting Indirect Discharge Permit October 12, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Informational Meeting Indirect Discharge Permit October 12, 2010

2 Opening Comments We understand we bear the burden of providing information and addressing public concerns about our land application program. Over the years we have engaged the best, most qualified professionals to respond to every concern expressed. 2

3 Professional Consultants Pete Huettl, Ph.D. – Soil Chemistry/ Civil and Environmental Engineering – Applied Science, Inc. Jim Bowes, B.S.,P.G., - Senior Geologist and Q.A. Control Officer – The Johnson Company 3

4 Professional Consultants Bill Wilcox, Principal Geologist and Robert Rooks, Principal Engineer– Wilcox and Barton, Inc. Kim Watson, Environmental Chemist and Q.A. Manager – Stone Environmental, Inc. 4

5 Land Application Program There was a joint effort by the Town of Cabot, Cabot Creamery and the Department of Environmental Conservation in the late 1980’s to build a Waste Water Treatment Plant. It was determined that the Winooski River at Cabot could not handle the flows or Biochemical Oxygen Demand from a Waste Water Treatment Plant. 5

6 Land Application Program “ The current practice of land application of dairy processing wastewater was, and still is, considered to be the most environmentally sound method of disposal by not causing any one concentrated discharge to any stream.” Department of Environmental Conservation in response to December 2, 2009 Public Hearing 6

7 Land Application Program For land to be placed in the program a qualified engineer needs to evaluate and submit to DEC. Jim Bowes will detail. We generate about 36,500,000 gals of wash water annually and maintain enough acreage to accommodate 80,344,000 gals. We maintain 6 vehicles and 7 drivers, and though not required, 5 hold Wastewater Operator Licenses. 7

8 Land Application Program There is a Standard Operating Procedures Manual in each vehicle that contains all of the required procedures, copy of the Indirect Discharge Permit, and maps of the fields outlined for application area. We have a Wastewater Management System that records route, field, driver, truck number, groundwater level, and the date and volume applied. We file Monthly Reports with the DEC. 8

9 Plant Sanitation We are monitored by Health Regulatory Agencies to include Vermont Agency of Agriculture, USPH, USDA, and FDA. They require equipment and facilities are cleaned and sanitized after each use with cleaning agents that are not harmful to humans. The cleaning agents we use are registered with the FDA and OSHA Regulations require we have a MSDS for each cleaning agent. 9

10 Plant Sanitation The active ingredients are listed, much the same as they are on items purchased for home use. Pete Huettl will detail fate of these cleaning agents in his presentation Every 5 years we are required to perform a Toxic Scan on our dairy processing wastes. The 2010 results are non-detectable for any harmful agents. 10

11 Closing Comments We are good Corporate Citizens. We have a great record of performance and compliance. When the rare error occurred, we took responsibility and immediate action to ensure no repetition. Agri-Mark/Cabot endorses the public hearing process. 11

12 Conclusion We respect that the long, arduous and expensive process is all part of the cost of doing business. We know that we have met and exceeded all local, state and federal requirements. I am prepared to respond to any of your questions. Thank you for taking the time to attend tonight. 12

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