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$200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 Fitness TestBowlingSoftballSoccerBasketball.

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Presentation on theme: "$200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 Fitness TestBowlingSoftballSoccerBasketball."— Presentation transcript:


2 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 Fitness TestBowlingSoftballSoccerBasketball

3 Which fitness test measures abdominal strength? Category 1: $100: A

4 Curl-ups Or Sit-ups Category 1: $100: Q

5 Which test can you practice for by stretching your legs? Category 1: $200: A

6 V-sit Reach Category 1: $200: Q

7 Which test measures your arm strength? Category 1: $300: A

8 Pull-ups or Flexed arm hang Category 1: $300: Q

9 If a mile is 6 laps, what distance is 1.5 laps? Category 1: $400: A

10 Quarter (1/4) Mile Category 1: $400: Q

11 What percentage do you need on each test to receive the Presidential Award? Category 1: $500: A

12 85% or more Category 1: $500: Q

13 Which 3 fingers should be use to hold the bowling ball? Category 2: $100: A

14 Thumb, Middle, and Ring Finger Category 2: $100: Q

15 What does an X mean on the score sheet? Category 2: $200: A

16 Strike Category 2: $200: Q

17 What is it called when you get 3 strikes in a row? Hint – it’s also the name of a bird. Category 2: $300: A

18 Turkey Category 2: $300: Q

19 What bowling term is also the name of an extra tire? Category 2: $400: A

20 Spare Category 2: $400: Q

21 What is the score of a perfect game (all strikes)? Category 2: $500: A

22 300 Category 2: $500: Q

23 How many outs does a team need to get before they get to hit? Category 3: $100: A

24 Three Category 3: $100: Q

25 Which player must throw underhand? Category 3: $200: A

26 Pitcher Category 3: $200: Q

27 How many balls must be thrown before a batter walks? Category 3: $300: A

28 Four Category 3: $300: Q

29 How many players are on the field at one time? Category 3: $400: A

30 Nine Category 3: $400: Q

31 How many innings are in a game? Category 3: $500: A

32 Seven Category 3: $500: Q

33 What body part can only be used by the goalie on the field? Category 4: $100: A

34 Hands Category 4: $100: Q

35 What does your team get if the other team kicks the ball out of the sideline? Category 4: $200: A

36 Throw-in Category 4: $200: Q

37 When do you get a penalty kick? Category 4: $300: A

38 When the other team commits a foul inside the 18 yard box Category 4: $300: Q

39 What is the difference between a direct and indirect kick? Category 4: $400: A

40 Direct – Kicker may shoot on goal Indirect – Kicker must pass to teammate Category 4: $400: Q

41 What is the name of the international soccer tournament that is in South Africa in 2010? Category 4: $500: A

42 World Cup Category 4: $500: Q

43 How many people from each team are on the court at one time during a game? Category 5: $100: A

44 Five Category 5: $100: Q

45 How many feet are you allowed to move when you have the ball but aren’t dribbling? Category 5: $200: A

46 One Category 5: $200: Q

47 What is it called when the other team plays defense on you before you get to half court? Category 5: $300: A

48 Press Category 5: $300: Q

49 How many more foul shots do you get when you are fouled shooting a 3 pointer as opposed to a lay-up? Category 5: $400: A

50 One more (3 for 3 pointer, 2 for lay- up) Category 5: $400: Q

51 What is the defense called where you cover an area instead of person? Category 5: $500: A

52 Zone defense Category 5: $500: Q

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