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A 5S Perspective on Learning Object Repositories as Digital Libraries Edward A. Fox Virginia Tech -- 20060922WSLO.ppt.

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Presentation on theme: "A 5S Perspective on Learning Object Repositories as Digital Libraries Edward A. Fox Virginia Tech -- 20060922WSLO.ppt."— Presentation transcript:

1 A 5S Perspective on Learning Object Repositories as Digital Libraries Edward A. Fox Virginia Tech -- 20060922WSLO.ppt Keynote for LODL 2006 Alicante, Spain – 22 Sept. 2006

2 Acknowledgements (selected) Colleagues: Lillian Cassel, Debra Dudley, Weiguo Fan, Marcos Gonçalves, Doug Gorton, Rohit Kelapure, Neill Kipp, Aaron Krowne, Ming Luo, Uma Murthy, Manuel Perez, Ananth Raghavan, Rao Shen, Hussein Suleman, Srinivas Vemuri, Layne Watson, … Sponsors: ACM, AOL, CAPES, DFG, IBM, Microsoft, NSF (IIS-9986089, 0086227, 0080748, 0325579, 0535057, 0535060; ITR- 0325579; DUE-0121679, 0136690, 0121741, 0333601), SUN, …

3 Not Religious discussion –Clumpers vs. splitters –Holy scrollers vs. card sharks –DSpace vs. Fedora, Blackboard vs. Sakai –DC vs. LOM vs. SCORM … –DL vs. LOR vs. Semantic Web Spreading dogma Europe vs. US vs. …

4 Outline Topics for reflection Hypotheses Digital libraries 5S (Societies, Scenarios, Spaces, Structures, and Streams) Computing Dissertations (ETDs) Summary and Conclusions

5 Topics for reflection Experiences in, and views on, development, deployment and use of digital libraries for learning Main pitfalls and barriers Things people often forget about Success stories Lessons learned Open questions, research challenges

6 Experiences ETD initiative -> testbed for studies -> initiative Quizit, EI, CSTC, CRIM SIGIR, SIGMM education committees, TCDL DL curriculum and resources NSDL (Policy Committee, grants) –CITIDEL, JERIC –Cmaps: GetSmart, in classes -> multilingual summaries –OCKHAM (NSDL P2P, web services, registry) Superimposed Information: DOs, marks, KM apps –Personalization (syllabi rep., inside Scholar, …) Info-viz, usability, evaluation, (reference) models, logging standards, personalization, blogs, …

7 Main pitfalls and barriers Papers are of little interest for most learners. Faculty are busy and astute. Faculty are more loyal to profession than to their employer. Institutional repositories often are aimed at the goals of administrators. Researchers go after money from anywhere. Technology transfer takes time, $, focus

8 Things people forget about 5Ss Sustainability Motivation, social influence Students and teachers are focused People’s assumptions: –Free, easy, high quality, pertinent, timely –Interesting, enjoyable, in context

9 Success stories Hawthorne effect HTML, XML (+XSLT), but not so much SGML Systems that help with course management, grading, record keeping EI (since timed with Web emergence) NDLTD (since free >>>> fee-based) DC (since simple >>>> complex) –And since can be extended / complicated Standards (since mandated, become habit) DSpace (since: prestige, easy, extensible)

10 Lessons learned Faculty love to double/triple dip. Small knowledge units get used. Social influence and status are really important for adoption. Lots of work makes a marketplace where popular tools and system emerge. Formative evaluation, and use statistics, are the main assessments worthwhile.

11 Open questions - 1 NSDL: –Worth the investment? –Will business model(s) emerge? –What is best role of governments in educ.? –Where do libraries fit? Publishers? Univ’s? –How can we ferret out all the lessons? –Which spin-offs will take off? –Have we changed attitudes and behavior of faculty and students?

12 Open questions - 2 Web dragons (MKP book by Witten et al.): –Dragons, dinosaurs, or Fortune 500? –What do we really need beyond vanity publishing and search engine popularity? –Google books, scholar, curriculum, … - Is it better to have one or many services? –PageRank, ratings/recommendations, popular tags – vs. spam, gaming, elitism?

13 Open questions - 3 LORDL metamodel: –Minimal DL metamodel –Practical DL metamodel –What is specific to learning: – Authoring, annotating – Rating, recommending, reviewing, retrieving – Exploring, applying, constructing – Preserving

14 Open questions - 4 Use, reuse: –Nice work at Tech. Univ. Darmstadt –SemWeb tools to help recontextualization –Driven by corporate efforts related to training where a LO marketplace might emerge –Distance education is another driver. –Funding shifts related to higher education will gradually stimulate / force change: –Motivation, attitudinal change, P&T shifts?

15 Outline Topics for reflection Hypotheses Digital libraries 5S (Societies, Scenarios, Spaces, Structures, and Streams) Computing Dissertations Summary and Conclusions

16 Hypotheses – 1 of 2 1)Digital libraries (DLs) can be the cornerstone for e-learning with educational resources, facilitating collaborative development, distribution, and re-use. 2)To properly develop such DLs, it is important to consider 5 key aspects (5S). 3)These 5Ss facilitate DL: design, implementation, and formalization.

17 Hypotheses – 2 of 2 4)Learning Object Repositories are a type of Digital library, wherein the application is support of education and the content is LOs. 5)LORs remind us that DLs should be designed to cover the full Information Life Cycle (with services).

18 Outline Topics for reflection Hypotheses Digital libraries 5S (Societies, Scenarios, Spaces, Structures, and Streams) Computing Dissertations Summary and Conclusions

19 DLs and E-Learning Data, information, knowledge management systems -> DLs Authoring, content, course, (adaptive) hypermedia management systems (Digital, Institutional) Repositories Application: E-Learning

20 Digital Libraries in Education Analytical Survey, ed. Leonid Kalinichenko © 2003,, Transforming the Way to Learn DLs of Educational Resources & Services Integrated/Virtual Learning Environment Educational Metadata Current DLEs: US (NSDL, DLESE, CITIDEL, NDLTD), Europe (Scholnet, Cyclades), UK (Distributed National Electronic Resource)

21 Digital Libraries Borgman et al.: Workshop Report on Social Aspects of Digital Libraries E-pub flattening Larsen & Watclar: 2003 Chatham DELOS: 1-2 June 2006 Rome Definitions

22 Information Life Cycle Authoring Modifying Organizing Indexing Storing Retrieving Distributing Networking Retention / Mining Accessing Filtering Using Creating

23 Digital Libraries Shorten the Chain from Editor Publisher A&I Consolidator Library Reviewer

24 DLs Shorten the Chain to Author Reader Digital Library Editor Reviewer Teacher Learner Librarian



27 People Digital librarians DL system developers DL system administrators DL managers DL collection development staff DL evaluators DL users

28 DL Manifesto - 1 DL Reference Model In support of the future European Digital Library Developed by team connected with DELOS (Candela, Casteli, Ioannidis, Koutrica, Meghini, Pagano, Ross, Schek, Schuldt) Draft 2.2 presented in Frescati, near Rome, June 2006 – 79 pages Could be integrated with work of DLF, JISC, etc.

29 DL Manifesto – 2: 3 Tiers

30 DL Manifesto – 3: Main Concepts

31 DL Manifesto – 4: Actor Roles

32 DL Definitions - 1 “A digital library is an organized and focused collection of digital objects, including text, images, video, and audio, along with methods of access and retrieval, and for selection, creation, organization, maintenance, and sharing of the collection.” Witten & Bainbridge – “How to Build a Digital Library” – Morgan Kaufmann 2003

33 DL Definitions - 2 “Digital libraries are organizations that provide the resources, including the specialized staff, to select, structure, offer intellectual access to, interpret, distribute, preserve the integrity of, and ensure the persistence over time of collections of digital works so that they are readily and economically available for use by a defined community or set of communities” Waters,D.J. CLIR Issues, July/August 1998

34 DL Definitions - 3 Issues and Spectra –Collection vs. Institution –Content vs. System –Access vs. Preservation –“Free” vs. Quality –Managed vs. Comprehensive –Centralized vs. Distributed vs. Personal

35 DL Definitions - 4 NOT a “digitized library” (vs. Google books) NOT a “deconstruction” of existing systems and institutions, moving them to an electronic box in a Library IS a new way to deal with knowledge –Authoring, Self-archiving, Collecting, –Organizing, Preserving, –Accessing, Propagating, Re-using


37 Outline Topics for reflection Hypotheses Digital libraries 5S (Societies, Scenarios, Spaces, Structures, and Streams) Computing Dissertations Summary and Conclusions

38 5S References Used to define DL Services Taxonomy Framework, Metamodels 5S Suite (5S Graph)

39 Selected 5S-Related References - 1 [1] M. Gonçalves, E. Fox, L. Watson, and N. Kipp, “Streams, Structures, Spaces, Scenarios, Societies (5S): A Formal Model for Digital Libraries,” ACM Transactions on Information Systems, vol. 22, pp. 270-312, 2004. [2] M. A. Gonçalves, “Streams, Structures, Spaces, Scenarios, and Societies (5S): A Formal Digital Library Framework and Its Applications,” Computer Science Doctoral Dissertation. Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Tech, 2004, 161 pages. 135923/unrestricted/MarcosDissertation.pdf [3] M. A. Gonçalves and E. A. Fox, “5SL - A Language for Declarative Specification and Generation of Digital Libraries,” in Proc. JCDL’2002, Second ACM / IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, July 14-18, G. Marchionini, Ed. Portland, Oregon, USA: ACM, 2002, pp. 263-272.

40 Selected 5S-Related References - 2 [4] Q. Zhu, “5SGraph: A Modeling Tool for Digital Libraries,” Department of Computer Science MS thesis. Blacksburg: Virginia Tech, 2002. 21053 [5] NDLTD, Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations. available at, 2006 [6] CC2001, “Computing Curricula 2001: Computer Science (IEEE Computer Society and Association for Computing Machinery Joint Task Force on Computing Curricula),” Journal on Educational Resources in Computing (JERIC), vol. 1, 2001. [7] CC2001, “Computing Curricula 2001 (Web Site),” vol. 2004: ACM and IEEE-CS, 2001. [8] R. Shen, "Applying the 5S Framework To Integrating Digital Libraries", Computer Science Doctoral Dissertation. Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Tech, April 2005, 127 pages,

41 Informal 5S & DL Definitions DLs are complex systems that help satisfy info needs of users (societies) provide info services (scenarios) organize info in usable ways (structures) present info in usable ways (spaces) communicate info with users (streams)

42 5S Examples

43 Services Taxonomy

44 5S Framework Developed at Digital Library Research Laboratory (DLRL, Virginia Tech ) Strong foundation for DL module development –Intuitive as well as formal definitions Base ideas named with five S’s - streams, structures, spaces, scenarios, societies Key aspects of DLs precisely defined using one or more of the Ss Set of metamodels for classes of DLs: minimal, archeological (ETANA), practical, European DL, …

45 Digital Object Repository Collection Minimal DL Metadata Catalog Descriptive Metadata Specification A Minimal DL in the 5S Framework Structural Metadata Specification StreamsStructuresSpacesScenariosSocieties indexing browsing searching services hypertext Structured Stream

46 5S Meta Model 5SGraph DL Expert DL Designer 5SL DL Model 5SLGen Practitioner Researcher Tailored DL Services Teacher c omponent pool ODLSearch, ODLBrowse, ODLRate, ODLReview, ……. Requirements (1) Analysis (2) Implementation (4) Design (3) 5SGraph5SGen Mapping Tool 5SSuite

47 5SGraph Workspace (instance model) Structured toolbox (metamodel)





52 creation distribution seeking utilization E1:starting E2: chaining E3: browsing E4: differentiating E5: monitoring E6: extracting storing, archiving, networking K1: initiation K2: selection K3: exploration K4: formulation K5: collection K6: presentation authoring, modifying, describing organizing, indexing preservability, similarity, timeliness, accuracy, completeness, conformance accessibility, preservability DL Success Constructs Active Semi-active Inactive E: Ellis’ model K: Kuhlthau’s model

53 has an example IS success model Prior Work on Measuring DL Success DeLone et al. Seddon has an example Information seeking behavior model Ellis Kuhlthau has an example DL quality model Gonçalves has an example Usability of DLs inspection of NCSTRL evaluation of ACM, IEEE-CS, NCSTRL, and NDLTD evaluation of ADL evaluation of ADEPT has an indicator system usage has an example Technology acceptance model Venkatesh predict Intention to re/use

54 satisfaction performance expectancy (PE) behavioral Intention to (re)use relevanceadequacytimeliness reliabilityunderstandabilityscope accessibilityease of use joy of usereliability user interface social influence (SI) information quality (IQ) system quality (SQ) DL Success Model system quality (SQ)

55 Outline Topics for reflection Hypotheses Digital libraries 5S (Societies, Scenarios, Spaces, Structures, and Streams) Computing Dissertations Summary and Conclusions

56 Computing CSTC Knowledge Units -> CC2001 CITIDEL NSDL DL Curriculum Development

57 CS -> CSTC NSF and ACM Education Committee funded a 2 year project “A Computer Science Teaching Center” - CSTC - College of NJ, U. Ill. Springfield, Virginia Tech Focus initially on labs, visualization, multimedia Multimedia part supported by a 2nd grant to Virginia Tech and The George Washington University (with curricular guidelines)


59 CS Teaching Center (CSTC) Instead of building large, expensive multimedia packages, that become obsolete and are difficult to re-use, concentrate on small knowledge units. Learners benefit from having well-crafted modules that have been reviewed and tested. Use digital libraries to build a powerful base of support for learners, upon which a variety of courses, self-study tutorials & reference resources can be built. ACM support led to Journal of Educational Resources in Computing (JERIC): completed 2 co-EIC terms

60 CC2001 Information Management Areas IM1. Information models and systems* IM8. Distributed DBs IM2. Database systems*IM9. Physical DB design IM3. Data modeling*IM10. Data mining IM4. Relational DBsIM11. Information storage and retrieval IM5. Database query languagesIM12. Hypertext and hypermedia IM6. Relational DB designIM13. Multimedia information & systems IM7. Transaction processingIM14. Digital libraries

61 CITIDEL: Computing & Information Technology Interactive Digital Education Library








69 Cluster Search Results from CITIDEL

70 CITIDEL -> NSDL A collection project in the National STEM (science, technolgy, engineering, and mathematics) education Digital Library – NSDL National Science Digital Library (Next slides courtesy Lee Zia, NSF)

71 Connects: Users: students, educators, life-long learners Content: structured learning materials; large real-time or archived datasets; audio, images, animations; primary sources; digital learning objects (e.g. applets); interactive (virtual, remote) laboratories;... Tools: search; refer; validate; integrate; create; customize; publish; share; notify; collaborate;...

72 Supports: Users Content Tools (profiles) (metadata) (protocols) Learning communities Customizable collections Application services

73 Enables: Environments for Communication Collaboration Creation Validation Evaluation Recognition... Discovery Stability Reliability Reusability Interoperability Customizability... of Resources AND



76 NSDL Information Architecture Essentially as developed by the Technical Infrastructure Workgroup referenced items & collections referenced items & collections Special Databases NSDL Services NSDL Services Other NSDL Services CI Services annotation CI Services discussion CI Services personalization CI Services authentication CI Services browsing Core Services: information retrieval Core Collection- Building Services harvesting Core Collection- Building Services protocols Core Services: metadata gathering Portals & Clients Portals & Clients Portals & Clients Usage Enhancement Collection Building User Interfaces NSDL Collections NSDL Collections NSDL Collections Core NSDL “Bus”

77 DL Curriculum Development Project Collaborative Research launched by: - Department of Computer Science, Virginia Tech - School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Three year (2006 - 2008) funded project

78 Project Teams/NSF Grant Project Team at VT (IIS-0535057): –PI: Dr. Edward A. Fox ( –GRA: Seungwon Yang ( Project Team at UNC-CH (IIS-0535060): –Co-PI: Dr. Barbara Wildemuth ( –Co-PI: Dr. Jeffrey Pomerantz ( –GRA: Sanghee Oh (

79 DL Topics in 19 Modules (original)

80 Taxonomy of DL Educational Resources

81 Outline Topics for reflection Hypotheses Digital libraries 5S (Societies, Scenarios, Spaces, Structures, and Streams) Computing Dissertations Summary and Conclusions

82 Dissertations Leveraging to reach next generation of researchers, educators, leaders Testbed, demonstration, case study Good place to start since is easy, inexpensive, beneficial, and can be extended to lead to other beneficial activities Bottom up, student-centered

83 The Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations Leader of the Worldwide ETD (Electronic Thesis and Dissertation) Initiative Training Authors Expanding Access Preserving Knowledge Improving Graduate Education Enhancing Scholarly Communication Empowering Students & Universities

84 Some Countries Argentina Australia Belgium Brazil Canada Chile China, Hong Kong Columbia Finland France Germany Greece India Italy Jamaica Korea Lithuania Malaysia Mexico Namibia Netherlands Namibia Netherlands Norway Peru Poland Russia Singapore S. Africa S. Korea Spain Sudan Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Thailand Turkey UK Ukraine United Arab Emirates USA Venezuela Yugoslavia

85 NDLTD Member Support Annual conference (…, Germany, …, Sweden, UK) ETD-L – listserv for discussion Union catalog Services for access: VT, OCLC, VTLS, Scirus, Google Scholar, … Information for ETD projects –Standards, documentation (Guide, Marcel Dekker book) Advocacy for ETD activities worldwide …

86 Outline Topics for reflection Hypotheses Digital libraries 5S (Societies, Scenarios, Spaces, Structures, and Streams) Computing Dissertations Summary and Conclusions

87 Summary and Conclusions – 1 of 2 1)Digital libraries (DLs) can be the cornerstone for e-learning with educational resources, facilitating collaborative development, distribution, and re-use. 2)To properly develop such DLs, it is important to consider 5 key aspects (5S). 3)These 5Ss facilitate DL: design, implementation, and formalization.

88 Summary and Conclusions – 2 of 2 4)Learning Object Repositories are a type of Digital library, wherein the application is support of education and the content is LOs. 5)LORs remind us that DLs should be designed to cover the full Information Life Cycle.

89 Selected Links - CITIDEL (computing education) - DL curriculum -, NDLTD (electronic theses and dissertations worldwide) – and NSDL (National Science DL) - OAI (Open Archives Initiative) – Virginia Tech Digital Library Research Laboratory (DLRL, 20060922WSLO.ppt

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