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Disorders Where and when to get help. Test Day Clear your desk and get out a number 2 pencil.

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Presentation on theme: "Disorders Where and when to get help. Test Day Clear your desk and get out a number 2 pencil."— Presentation transcript:

1 Disorders Where and when to get help

2 Test Day Clear your desk and get out a number 2 pencil

3 Anxiety Disorder & Panic Attack Anxiety disorder is having an excessive and unrealistic worry about everyday things. Panic Attacks are overwhelming anxiety and fear.

4 Depression  Sadness and hopelessness that keeps a person from carrying out everyday activities ○ Lack of energy ○ Withdrawal from people ○ Loss of appetite ○ Too much or too little sleep

5 Bipolar Disorder Associated with extreme mood swings Lows of depression Manic Highs (extreme excitement, lots of energy)

6 PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)  Memories of traumatic experiences  Story of a Soldier Story of a Soldier

7 PTSD Alternative PTSD

8 Geting Help for Mental Disorders  Psychotherapy  Form of counseling from a licensed therapist  Group Therapy  Group of people with similar disorder  Medication  Prescription medication to counter-act the disorder ○ Antidepressants- depression

9 Disorder Collage This is an individual activity Pick a disorder that we have talked about Using different magazines that I have you will be creating a collage that represents the disorder that you chose. I should have an idea of what the disorder is How it affects that person and others in their lives Where they can get help

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