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3/26/20081 Geospatial Data and the APFO: Past, Present, and Future Zack Adkins, Cartographer Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop March 25-27,

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Presentation on theme: "3/26/20081 Geospatial Data and the APFO: Past, Present, and Future Zack Adkins, Cartographer Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop March 25-27,"— Presentation transcript:

1 3/26/20081 Geospatial Data and the APFO: Past, Present, and Future Zack Adkins, Cartographer Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop March 25-27, 2008

2 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop2 Outline  APFO History  Beginnings of geospatial data at the APFO  Migration to present day  Geospatial data in the present  Future of geospatial data

3 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop3 APFO History  USDA created in 1862 as a non- cabinet level department Became cabinet level in 1889  Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933 Part of New Deal Result of the effects from the Great Depression Created new programs to help farmers

4 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop4 APFO History (cont)  Aerial photo labs created in 1937 Initially in Washington, D.C. and Salt Lake City Established to provide rectified aerial photography for accurate field measurements Aerial imagery supported then newly created farm programs

5 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop5

6 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop6 APFO History (cont)  Aerial Photography Field Office 1975-present located in Salt Lake City Primary source of aerial imagery for USDA Current holdings  60,000 archived rolls of film from 1955- present (over 10 million images)  >80 terabytes of digital geospatial data

7 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop7

8 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop8 Beginnings of Geospatial Data at the APFO  Pre-1955 Aerial imagery acquisitions  1937: 375,000 square miles flown  1941: 90% of US agricultural areas acquired Film housed at the National Archives

9 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop9 Source: Harry Tubis (1937), photogrammetrist with the Tennessee Valley Authority

10 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop10

11 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop11 Beginnings of Geospatial Data at the APFO (cont)  1955-1980 Film holdings  ASCS (Agricultural Stabilization & Conservation Service) APFO archive: >23,000 rolls 1:20,000 nominal scale  Forest Service APFO archive: >19,000 rolls  SCS (Soil Conservation Service; now NRCS) film APFO Archive: >2,000 rolls

12 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop12

13 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop13 Beginnings of Geospatial Data at the APFO (cont)  Photo index maps Used for research Photo mosaic of entire county APFO archive: >65,000 indexes

14 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop14

15 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop15 Beginnings of Geospatial Data at the APFO (cont)  Rectified Film Enlargements 24” x 24” Technicians drew field boundaries on photo enlargements Predecessor to CLU (Common Land Units) Area measured with a planimeter

16 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop16

17 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop17 Beginnings of Geospatial Data at the APFO (cont)  NHAP (National High Altitude Photography Program) Ran from 1980-1989 USGS coordinated interagency program 48 states, 5 year cycle  Coverage varied due to budget CIR 1:58,000, BW 1:80,000  40,000 feet flying altitude 2m spatial resolution APFO archive: >1500 rolls of film

18 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop18

19 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop19 Beginnings of Geospatial Data at the APFO (cont)  Spot Indexes Began with NHAP  Created through late 1980s Shows center point of each image APFO archive: >5,000 spot indexes  Line Indexes Forest service acquisitions Shows center point of each image APFO archive: >10,000 spot indexes

20 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop20

21 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop21 Geospatial Data Migration to the Present  NAPP (National Aerial Photography Program) 1987-2003 (replaced NHAP) USGS coordinated interagency program 48 states & Hawaii, 5-7 year cycle  Coverage varied due to budget 1:40,000 scale  20,000 feet flying altitude above mean terrain elevation 1 meter spatial resolution APFO archive: > 5,000 rolls of film

22 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop22

23 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop23 Geospatial Data Migration to the Present (cont)  Digital Line Indexes Shows center point of each image Created at APFO using AutoCAD Late 1980’s-2003 (coincided with NAPP cycles) APFO archive: > 2,000 indexes

24 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop24 Geospatial Data Migration to the Present (cont)  Hardcopy to Digital MDOQ (mosaicked digital ortho quarter quad) creation  Process ran from 1997-2004  Seamed and color balanced  16 DOQQs (digital ortho quarter quad) to create 1 MDOQ 4 primary + 12 surrounding  Used as base layer in GIS  ~6 terabytes of MDOQ data hosted at APFO CCM (compressed county mosaic) created from these MDOQs

25 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop25

26 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop26 Geospatial Data in the Present  CLU (Common Land Units) CLU replaced hand drawn field boundaries on photo enlargements  Digitized on MDOQs  Fully attributed with service center data ~500 gigabytes of CLU data hosted at APFO

27 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop27

28 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop28 Geospatial Data in the Present (cont)  NAIP (National Agriculture Imagery Program) 2002-present Began as a pilot program Response to needs for more current imagery to support USDA programs ~50 terabytes of NAIP data housed at APFO

29 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop29 Future of Geospatial Data at the APFO  Continued hosting and support of NAIP  Continued hosting and support of CLU data CLU replication efforts  Checking for geometric errors  Checking for farm records database errors  Generate error reports for counties and states

30 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop30 Future of Geospatial Data at the APFO (cont)  LIDAR & IFSAR data

31 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop31 Future of Geospatial Data at the APFO (cont)  Custom applications using geospatial data to support FSA Natural disaster recovery Land use change CLU acreage change over time

32 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop32 Future of Geospatial Data at the APFO (cont)  Archival scanning Line, spot, & photo indexes  Georeferencing  Creation of enhanced shapefile & metadata Film vault  “Mammoth” project  Dependant upon funding and resources

33 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop33 Future of Geospatial Data at the APFO (cont)  APFO’s mission will continue to support geospatial data efforts Contract for, develop, and carry out the imagery and remote sensing programs within the FSA

34 3/26/200834 National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) John Mootz, Contracting Officer 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop

35 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop35 Topics  What is NAIP  Program History  Current Program  Improvements/Ongoing Pilots  Future  What is NAIP  Program History  Current Program  Improvements/Ongoing Pilots  Future

36 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop36 What is NAIP?  Annual coast-to-coast program  Quarter-quad based orthos  1m and 2m resolution 5-year cycle for 1m base replacement  Leaf-on, peak-growth  Very rapid, aggressive collection ALL IMAGERY PLACED IN PUBLIC DOMAIN

37 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop37 Contract Deliverables  Full-resolution DOQQ tiles GeoTIFF NAD83, UTM  Compressed County Mosaics (CCM) MrSID compression (moving to JPEG2k) Radiometric balanced Projected in predominant UTM

38 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop38 Acquisition Requirements  10% clouds or less  Free of standing water  Minimum 30° sun angle  Minimize specular reflections Especially in agriculture areas

39 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop39 DOQQ Requirements  Most current version of NED  300m (±30) buffer  No non-imagery (borders, fiducal)  May mosaic imagery Radiometric balance within tile ±3 pixel offset requirement  Horizontal Accuracy Relative: ±5m on 90% well-defined pts

40 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop40 DOQQ Requirements (con’t)  Prefer not to “radiometrically balance” Minimize color data lost  New “histogram” requirements  1 pixel limit on band-to-band misregistration  List of acceptable blemishes  Band order: RGB, NRG, or RGBN

41 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop41 Topics  What is NAIP  Program History  Improvements/Ongoing Pilots  Future

42 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop42 2002 Pilot Program  Pilot compared 35mm to imagery from mapping cameras 1m – ortho 2m - geo-rectified

43 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop43 2006 20042003 2005

44 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop44

45 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop45 Topics  What is NAIP  Program History  Improvements/Ongoing Pilots  Future

46 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop46 Improvements/Ongoing Pilots  Radiometric improvements  Absolute horizontal accuracy  Seamline shapefile  4-band imagery Requires new compression

47 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop47 Radiometric Improvements  Problem: Quality was not consistent Actual NAIP imagery (2004-2006)

48 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop48 Radiometric Improvements (con’t)  Solution: Develop new radiometric specifications  ITT Space Systems contracted Conducted user sensitivity study “Best Practices” document  Implemented 4 histogram specs  Require “pre-production” sample from contractor

49 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop49 Radiometric Improvements (con’t)  Clipping: <2% (<1% preferred)  Contrast: 140 – 160 (150 goal)  Histogram Peak: ±15% of middle (108-148 for 8-bit)  Color: RGB triplet within ±5 150 99%1% There is no perfect histogram but these specifications are a good start

50 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop50 Radiometric Improvements (con’t) Clipping – 0% Contrast – 131 Histogram Peak – 80 Color Balance (RGB) – 147,128,105 Original 2006

51 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop51 Radiometric Improvements (con’t) Clipping – 0.02% Contrast – 151 Histogram Peak – 147 Color Balance (RGB) – 192,194,191 Adjusted 2006

52 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop52 Absolute Horizontal Accuracy  Large investment in CLUs required relative accuracy Tied to the original 1990s “MDOQ”

53 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop53 Absolute Horizontal Accuracy (con’t)  Need for absolute identified Partners were requesting change Dataset accuracy is better described (valuable)  Pilots were conducted in 2006 (UT) and 2007 (AZ) AZ: 2.87m RMSE (530 check points)  Future states will be phased in Once converted, state will not revert 7 new states are planned for 2008

54 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop54 Absolute Horizontal Accuracy (con’t)  Working with other federal and state agencies to create a photo identifiable control database for QA check points  Should this become a “national” database available to others?

55 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop55 Seamline Shapefile  FSA Users require a CCM shapefile Shows area of mosaic coverage QQ based, rectangular polygon Attributed with image acquisition date  Not an issue with 1:40,000 film  Direct digital acquisition requires mosaicking of several images Attribute is single field (majority date)

56 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop56 Seamline Shapefile (con’t)  Successful pilot was conducted in 2007 (Arizona) using ADS-40  Will expand seamline shapefile requirements in 2008 Test different digital camera footprints Resolve “unknowns” before proceeding to all states

57 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop57 Standard rectangular polygon shapefile Seamline Shapefile (con’t) ADS-40 based seamline shapefile 2007 NAIP (AZ) 2007 NAIP (TN)

58 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop58 4-band Imagery  Natural color is default FSA state office or partner could request false color IR 2003 - MO; 2004 - IL,PA,TX; 2005 - MI; 2006 - TX  Conducted 4-band pilot in AZ during 2007 ADS-40 with new head (SH-52)

59 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop59 4-band Imagery (con’t) 2007 NAIP (AZ)

60 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop60 4-band Imagery (con’t) OrchardsOrchards HealthyHealthy UnhealthyUnhealthy 2007 NAIP (AZ)

61 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop61 4-band Imagery (con’t)  LizardTech™ MrSID compression does not support 4-band imagery CCMs in the 2007 pilot were delivered as NC 3-band  2008+ all 4-band CCMs will be compressed using JPEG2000 RFI was released Nov 07 asking for end user/industry input on settings Settings were published in 2008 RFP

62 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop62 Topics  What is NAIP  Program History  Improvements/Ongoing Pilots  Future

63 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop63 Future  2m coverage has been dropped  5-year cycle may become shorter  Proposed new coverage rules being review at FSA headquarters Limited to CLUs areas only (2009) – i.e. no more border-to-border coverage Unless cost-share partner is identified

64 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop64 Partnership Opportunities  Add DOQQ coverage to FSA req’ts Areas must be contiguous and/or substantial size  Add 4 th band  Out-of-cycle years Other products can be contracted directly with the NAIP contractor

65 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop65 NAIP Points of Contact Programmatic Kent Williams – Program Coordinator Contract Information John Mootz – Contracting Officer Technical Brian Vanderbilt –Service Center Support Branch Chief Partnership Information Cindy Sessions – Partnership Coordinator Quality Issues/Problems Brenda Simpson – Quality Assurance Branch Chief NEW PHONE NUMBERS

66 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop66 Backup charts  Data Sources Data Sources  CLU information CLU information  2008 NAIP Acq Periods 2008 NAIP Acq Periods  2008 NAIP Coverage 2008 NAIP Coverage  NAIP Acquisition Rate NAIP Acquisition Rate  Digital vs Film Totals Digital vs Film Totals  Direct Digital Capture Direct Digital Capture

67 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop67 Data Sources  USDA/Farm Service Agency/APFO  USDA Geospatial Data Gateway  APFO Geodata Warehouse (ArcIMS)  Contains imagery (MDOQs & NAIP organized by UTM zone) and vector data sets  APFO Sales Section (801) 844-2922 David Parry, sales section supervisor (801)844-2923

68 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop68 CLU information  CLU data for release to the general public includes the following attribute data: Shape & Calculated Acres  Because sensitive information is contained in the full CLU attribute data, it is not releasable to the general public or most other government agencies.  New FOIA regulations may change data that can be released with CLU

69 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop69

70 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop70

71 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop71 NAIP Acquisition Rate

72 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop72 Digital vs Film Totals

73 3/26/2008 2008 Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop73 Direct Digital Capture

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