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Safety Tutorial for Architectural Assistant Ms Hammerle Nottingham High School.

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Presentation on theme: "Safety Tutorial for Architectural Assistant Ms Hammerle Nottingham High School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Safety Tutorial for Architectural Assistant Ms Hammerle Nottingham High School

2 2 Safety Training Tasks for Architectural Assistant Appropriate Clothing Equipment in Office Tools Used on the Job Chemicals Used Electricity Issues Ergonomics Fire Safety

3 3 Pre-Test True/False Questions: 1.Loose, flowing clothing is okay around printing machines. 2.It’s okay to leave drawing file drawers open. 3.Drawing trimmers should be left with the blade in the up position. 4.Lift from the waist when lifting 50 lb. boxes of drawing specifications. 5.You don’t need to use a face mask when using spray fixer for drawings.

4 4 Appropriate Clothing Clothing can get caught on equipment and dragged across documents, therefore: Loose, dangling sleeves should not be worn. Ties should be worn with a clip to keep in place. Loose, flowing styles should be avoided. Jewelry should be minimal and not dangling.

5 5 Equipment/Machinery Keep all loose items away from the duplicating and other machines. Use only specified papers and inks. Keep trimmers in the blade down position. Turn off duplicators when not in use.

6 6 Tools Clean all drawing tools after use. Store all tools in the proper storage provided. Keep caps on knives and blades when not in use Keep tools sharp.

7 7 Chemical Hazards Keep lids tight on all paints. Dispose of toner cartridges properly. Wear a face mask when using fixers on drawings.

8 8 Electrical Do not overload electrical outlets. Keep cords out of walkway. Turn off all electrical equipment at night. Use proper voltage in equipment.

9 9 Ergonomics Work with sufficient light for the job. Apply task lighting where appropriate. Desk height should not require hunching over work Support lower back while seated. At computer, keyboard height will have elbow at right angle and wrist straight. Hold phone with hand and not your neck Take a brief stroll every hour to keep blood flow Lift with legs, not upper body.

10 10 Fire Know the location of all fire extinguishers. Know where the exits are to the floor and building. Know locations of all fire emergency pulls Evacuate immediately if fire alarm sounds

11 11 How and to Whom Do You Report an Injury Report all injuries to your supervisor verbally and complete necessary paperwork. Report all unsafe conditions to your supervisor verbally and in writing. Injuries must be reported immediately so that paperwork and necessary compensation may proceed.

12 12 Post Test True/False Questions 1.Loose, flowing clothing is okay around printing machines. 2.It’s okay to leave drawing file drawers open. 3.Drawing trimmers should be left with the blade in the up position. 4.Lift from the waist when lifting 50 lb. boxes of drawing specifications. 5.You don’t need to use a face mask when using spray fixer for drawings.

13 13 Safety Web Resources

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