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Chapter 3 Section 1 Notes. I. Indo European Migration.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 3 Section 1 Notes. I. Indo European Migration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 3 Section 1 Notes

2 I. Indo European Migration

3 A. Group of seminomadic people from the Caucasus between the Black and Caspian Seas

4 Black and Caspian Seas

5 1. Language of modern Europe and Southern Asia

6 2. Aryans were one of the major groups

7 II. Hittites Blend Empire and Technology ( 1650 B.C.)

8 A. Occupied Anatolia or current day Turkey

9 Hittite Seal

10 B. Hattuas was capitol city

11 C. Conquered Babylonians

12 D. Own code of laws more forgiving than Hammurabi’s

13 E. War machine developed iron weapons used chariots

14 Hittite Chariot

15 F. First treaty in history with Egyptians

16 III. Aryan Invaders Transform India

17 A. Aryans invade India

18 B. Sacred text, the Vedas

19 1. Collection of prayers

20 C. Rig Veda were hymns to Aryan gods

21 1. Shiva was main god

22 D. Developed the Caste system

23 1. Grouping based on skin color

24 a. Aryans were light skin

25 b. Original Indians called Dasas or Dravidians were dark skinned

26 E. Mahabharata was India’s first great Epic

27 1. About blending of Indian culture

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