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Physical and Health Disabilities Current Issues Collaboration Cerebral Palsy.

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Presentation on theme: "Physical and Health Disabilities Current Issues Collaboration Cerebral Palsy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physical and Health Disabilities Current Issues Collaboration Cerebral Palsy

2 Practicum Placements Initial contacts School environment Educator attitudes Unique needs P/HD issues Projects

3 Critical Issues in P/HD Current educational issues –Identification criteria –Entrance and exit criteria Collaboration –Role and responsibility –Other teachers –Support personnel

4 Educational Implications of Physical Impairments Limited physical strength and/or mobility causes difficulty with completion of tasks involving motor skills (fine and gross, visual motor, and motor planning) Accompanying neurological impairments may affect organization and work skills

5 Educational Implications of Physical Impairments Physical limitations,including impaired strength and endurance, cause difficulty managing tasks or materials in the classroom Combination of limited strength, endurance, and mobility may impact students ability to participate in academic tasks

6 Identification Criteria Medically diagnosed Chronic condition Physically impaired Congenital or acquired condition Adverse affect on physical or academic function Requires special education and related services

7 Entrance/Exit Criteria Documentation of a medically diagnosed physical impairment Documentation of educational implications related to physical impairment –Lack of organization or work skills –Inability to manage motor-related classroom tasks –Scores 1.0 standard deviations or more below the mean on standardized achievement test Teacher licensed in the area of Physically Impaired must be part of the evaluation team

8 Educational Implications of Health Impairments Results in excessive absences –From school due to illness or appointments –From classroom due to procedures or therapies Interferes in ability to manage materials, transitions, and participation in physical and recreational activities

9 Educational Implications of Health Impairments Poor endurance causes difficulty completing written assignments and requires frequent rest breaks Fatigue level causes difficulty staying on task and completing assignments Level of pain or discomfort impacts overall participation Distractibility level interferes with attention in class, initiating tasks, and remaining on task

10 Identification Criteria Limited strength, endurance, vitality, or alertness Heightened or diminished alertness to environmental stimuli Medically diagnosed Chronic or acute health conditions Adverse affect on educational performance Requires special education and related services

11 Entrance/Exit Criteria Documentation of health condition by a licensed physician Adverse affect on ability to complete educational tasks within timely manner, including three of the following: –Excessive absenteeism –Specialized healthcare procedures –Impact of medication –Limited physical strength and endurance –Level of alertness impacted –Impaired ability to manage or organize materials –Difficulty following directions or completing tasks

12 Collaboration/Consultation Indirect services –Progress reviews –Cooperative planning –Consultation –Demonstration teaching –Modifications and adaptations Environment Curriculum Materials and equipment –Monitor and observe

13 Collaboration/Consultation Direct services –Provided by a teacher or related service provider –Related to instruction –Cooperative learning –Need determined by IEP team –Based on student’s goals and objectives

14 Roles and Responsibilities of P/HD Teacher Direct service provider when deemed necessary by IEP team Indirect service provider Consultant to team members Liaison between medical community and educational setting Advocate for unique needs of students with physical and health impairments

15 Direct Service Providers May be other special education services providers –LD, EBD teachers - if educational needs are primarily in learning or behavior –DCD teacher if students need require a more functional approach –Specialist teachers if primary condition is in other area - vision or D/HH teacher –Related service providers - therapists providing mobility and accommodations or social worker providing family support

16 Support Personnel Classroom paraprofessional –Provided specific list of tasks that may require assistance –Training required for unique needs of physically or health impaired –Sensitivity to issues such as over-reliance upon caregivers, health concerns, limited mobility, self-determination needs

17 Cerebral Palsy Definitions –Disorder of movement and posture –Non-progressive brain abnormality –Developmental disability –Affects physical development Movement Muscle tone Position in space

18 Time of Assault Prenatal –Brain malformation –Genetic syndrome –Infection –Anoxia Perinatal –Asphyxia –Infection Postnatal –Infection –TBI –Poison –Anoxia

19 Classifications Location –Diplegia –Hemiplegia –Quadriplegia Neuroanatomy –Area of the brain involved –Neurological or neurophysiological dysfunction

20 Classifications Movement –Spastic –Dyskinesia –Ataxia –Mixed Function –Mild –Moderate –Severe

21 Associated Conditions Sensory impairments Communication impairments Orthopedic deformities Nutrition needs Cognitive dysfunction Learning disabilities Seizures

22 Treatment Therapeutic –Physical therapy –Occupational therapy Orthotics Medication Surgical

23 Developmental Impact Physical Management –Spasticity –Athetosis –Ataxia –Mixed Body mechanics Communication Social/emotional

24 Educational Impact Inclusion Differences Learning issues Self-determination Adult outcomes

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