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MOD Form 2 Stock Accounting Record. MOD Form 2 Purpose: –Used to account for stock and collect demand data. It records increases and decreases to stocks.

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Presentation on theme: "MOD Form 2 Stock Accounting Record. MOD Form 2 Purpose: –Used to account for stock and collect demand data. It records increases and decreases to stocks."— Presentation transcript:

1 MOD Form 2 Stock Accounting Record

2 MOD Form 2 Purpose: –Used to account for stock and collect demand data. It records increases and decreases to stocks on hand, assists in predicting necessary stock levels to satisfy demands, establishes the balance on hand, records stock identification data for purposes of accountability, issue, and ordering. Importance: –Allows supporting units to control their inventories, and provides accountability of the inventory. It records demand data, so that Authorized Stockage Levels can be established or adjusted to meet demand.

3 Authorized Quantity (Block 1) Enter in pencil the authorized quantity approved for the Authorized Stockage List. Example A warehouse is authorized to have 2500 Boxes of Surgical Exam Gloves on hand to sustain stock levels. Authorization and Date (Block 2) Enter in pencil the approving authority & the date of the Authorized Stockage List or appropriate change approval.

4 Location (Block 3) Enter the physical location of stock on hand in compliance with accepted warehouse organization standards and schemes. Example (Example of Depot 1 location) BDA014 Aisle:B / Row:D / Level:A / Bin:014 Unit Identification (Block 4) Enter the applicable Corps/Brigade/Battalion/Company and MOD DAC for the unit that maintains/accounts for the stocks on hand. Example W90CL8 National Depot

5 Unit of Issue (Block 5) Enter the identification of the issue size; such as each, package, dozen, box, pair, etc. Example BX of gloves Repairable (Block 6) Enter yes or no if this item should be returned for repair or final categorization by a supporting unit before disposition. Example No: Gloves are not repairable

6 Item Name / Item Description (Block 7) Enter the name of the item or description of the item that can be used to identify the materiel requested. Example Gloves, Surgical, Size 8.5 Part Number (Block 8) Enter the part number or Afghan National Army Stock Number – if applicable

7 Month of Year (Block 9) Enter the solar month of the year. Example Meezan (September) Requests during the Month (Block 10) Enter the total number of request/demands received during the month. Example 800 Date Entry Made (Block 11) Enter the solar Chronological date the entry is being made to the Form 2. Example 6200

8 Document Number Solar Chronological Date: (Block 12) Enter the Solar Chronological date of the request received. This will come from block 1 on the MoD Form 14. Example 6199 Document Number Unit Identification (Block 13) Enter the Ministry of Defense Depot Address Code (MoDDAC) for the unit requesting materials. This will come from block 3 on the MoD Form 14. Example W94HO4 Document Number Serial Number (Block 14) Enter the serial number of the units’ request. This will come from block 5 on the MoD Form 14. Example 0001

9 Form Number (Block 15) Enter the form number of the units request. Example 14 for MoD Form 14 Supported and Supporting Units (Block 16) Enter the supported unit and the supporting unit’s MODDAC. This will come from block 4 and 3 on the MoD Form 14.

10 Quantity Requested (Block 17) Enter the quantity requested by the supported unit. This will come from block 9 on the MoD Form 14. Example 500 Quantity Receive/Entrance (Block 18) Enter the quantity received / Entrance into the depot stock. This is an increase in depot stock balance from a supporting unit Form 9 or Form 14 Turn-In by a supported unit. Example 300 Quantity Issued/Exit (Block 19) Enter the quantity issued to the supported / requesting unit, this is a decrease to depot stocks balance from Form 9. Example 200

11 Quantity Due In to Depot (Block 20) Enter the quantity that has been requested from a supporting depot. (Subtract the quantity issued from the quantity requested to get the due in quantity needed into Depot, then add that quantity to the pervious due in quantity ) Example (requested) 500 – (issued) 200= 300 (Due in) 300 + (Pervious due in quantity) 0 = 300 Quantity Due Out from Depot (Block 21) Enter the quantity that is owed to supported units. (Subtract the quantity issued from the quantity requested to get the quantity that is owed to the supported unit, then add that quantity to the pervious due out quantity) Example (requested) 500 – (issued) 200= 300 (Due out) 300 + (Pervious due out quantity) 0 = 300

12 Quantity by Category (Blocks 24-28) Enter the number for each category. Receipts and Issues must accurately adjust the correct category. 1 = New Materiel 2 = Like New Materiel 3 = Serviceable / Needs Repair 4 = Unserviceable / Reparable 5 = Unserviceable / Not Reparable If 200 (new materiel) is issued, then subtract that quantity from the pervious total in block 24 and annotate the new balance. Balance of Categories (Block 23) Enter the total quantity for stocks in categories 1,2, 3, 4, and 5. Remember only Serviceable materiel can be issued and category must be designated on the Form 9. Example Add blocks 24-28 and enter the total in block 23. Current On Hand Balance (Block 22) Enter the total amount of stock (by category) in the depot. Only serviceable stock in the depot are available for issue and are counted. Example Zero (0) Boxes of Gloves on hand

13 Repairable Balance Owed Support Depot (Block 29) Enter the balances of blocks 30-38 of category 1-5 reparable items that the unit is required to return to the depot (MoD ANA Form 9) for repair or further categorization or evacuation to another supporting depot or workshop. Individual Supported Unit Repairable Balance Owed to Supporting Depot (Blocks 30-38) Enter the individual amount owed by supported Kandaks. Add or subtract this transaction to or from any previous balance.

14 Balance Brought Forward (Block 39) Enter the balance from block 40 from the previous Form 2. Example When starting a new page. Balance Carried Forward (Block 40) Enter the balance and this amount will forward/posted on the new Form 2. Example When the page is full.

15 Form 2 is used to account for stock and collect demand data. The stock record is the core of the stock control system. It is an accountable record and cannot be destroyed without written instructions by either the General Staff or the MoD Staff responsible for validation and certification of accountable records. Important Notes

16 Use the table to mark the stock card along the margin Stock on HandMark or Flag “0” Balance of Stock on Hand for Issue or Due-Outs Exist Red Stock on Hand below Reorder Point Yellow/Amber/O range Stock on hand above ROP and not above authorized stockage level Green Stock on Hand greater than that Authorized Blue Important Notes

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