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Frank’s Dump West - New Year’s Eve 2005 8.9 ft tides; 40mph westerly windsPhoto: Mark Taylor Inundation.

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4 Frank’s Dump West - New Year’s Eve 2005 8.9 ft tides; 40mph westerly windsPhoto: Mark Taylor Inundation

5 Erosion Hayward Marsh - New Year’s Eve 2005 8.9 ft tides; 40mph westerly winds Photo: Mark Taylor

6 Functions Urban Habitat Storm drainage Land fill Wastewater Utility corridors Trails


8 Preliminary diagram: Carollo, EBDA 2011

9 Functions Urban Habitat Storm drainage Land fill Sewage treatment Utility corridors Trails PGE EBDA line Railroad Cable HP Gas Bay trail

10 Hold the Line

11 Realign Rapid landward movement increases as sea level rises

12 Opportunities

13 Examples of remnant native lowland (alluvial) grassland and sedge-rush meadow stands in lowlands bordering the Bay.

14 Upland Ecotone Rapid landward movement increases as sea level rises MudflatTidal MarshBrackish Marsh Freshwater Swale Treated Wastewater and Stormwater Seepage Overflow Wave Attenuation

15 Upland Ecotone ::: Hargreaves Associates :::

16 16 2011

17 2047 Main Breaches Break up levee High marsh/transitional habitat/buffer 17

18 Demonstration Project to measure wave attenuation over a tidal marsh and mudflat. Rapid landward movement increases as sea level rises MudflatTidal MarshBrackish Marsh Freshwater Swale Seepage Overflow Wave Attenuation

19 Demonstration Project to create historic transitional habitat; to create buffers to sea level rise; to polish discharge by subsurface seepage. Rapid landward movement increases as sea level rises MudflatTidal MarshBrackish Marsh Freshwater Swale Seepage Overflow Wave Attenuation









28 0ft1ft2ft3ft4ft Existing levees Terraced levees Terraced brackish levee Enhance existing wetlands, realign levees Lead TimeEffective Realign functions Threshold 5ft Decision An Adaptation Strategy?

29 Functions Urban Habitat Storm drainage Land fill Sewage treatment Utility corridors Trails PGE EBDA line Railroad Cable HP Gas Bay trail

30 Questions?

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