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Technology Engineering Education Rules/Consequences.

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Presentation on theme: "Technology Engineering Education Rules/Consequences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology Engineering Education Rules/Consequences

2 Technology Engineering Education Rules 1. Come to class on time.

3 Technology Engineering Education Rules 2. Raise your hand and receive permission to speak.

4 Technology Engineering Education Rules 3. Come prepared for class each day. (paper, pencil, and planner)

5 Technology Engineering Education Rules 4. Food, drink or gum/candy is not allowed in the classroom

6 Technology Engineering Education Rules 5. Be respectful of everyone in the classroom.

7 Technology Engineering Education Rules 6. Clean up your area each day

8 Technology Engineering Computer Lab Rules: 1. Be Positive

9 Technology Engineering Computer Lab Rules: 2. Be Polite

10 Technology Engineering Computer Lab Rules: 3. Be a Peer Tutor

11 Technology Engineering Computer Lab Rules: 4. Only work on the assignment given and stay on approved websites. The computers are monitored and computer privileges will be taken away if you are not on approved websites.

12 Technology Engineering Computer Lab Rules: 5. Do not eat or drink near the computers, including gum.

13 Technology Engineering Computer Lab Rules: 6. Keep pencils (and fingers) away from the computer monitor

14 Technology Engineering Computer Lab Rules: 7. Keep your assigned workstation clean and neat

15 Technology Engineering Computer Lab Rules: 8. Show respect to others, at all times, whether it be to the instructor, guests, substitutes, or other students

16 Technology Engineering Computer Lab Rules: 9. Do not run or horseplay in the classroom

17 Technology Engineering Computer Lab Rules: 10. Do not change any settings without Mr. Allen’s permission

18 Technology Engineering Computer Lab Rules: 11. Stay in your assigned area

19 Technology Engineering Computer Lab Rules: 12. Do not play or take apart headphones

20 Technology Engineering Computer Lab Rules: 13. Not following the computer rules is subject to being given textbook work for the remainder of the semester.

21 Technology Engineering Computer Lab Rules: 14. Follow other rules as discussed in class

22 Technology Engineering Computer Lab Rules: 15. If your grade for the class at any time is a D or F, you will be given textbook work until the grade is brought up to a C or better.

23 Consequences 1. Verbal warning (name written on behavior log) 2. Last to leave class 3. Textbook work 4. More Textbook work 5. Parent Contact (phone, email, note) 6. Discipline referral to office

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