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Ms. Middleton Spring 2009

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1 Ms. Middleton Spring 2009

2  In this class we will be learning four or five of the Microsoft Office programs.  Word  Excel  Access  PowerPoint  Publisher (if time allows)

3  RESPECT yourself.  RESPECT each other.  Take RESPONSIBILITY for your actions.

4  When you come in the room:  Go to your seat and log-in.  Go to, answer the blog question of the day.  If you are the “helper” of the week, pass back any papers that are in the black tray for your hour.  Follow any other instructions given by me or written on the board.  Tardy Policy:  You must be inside the classroom doors when the bell rings. After three, you will receive a tardy referral for detention with your division.

5  MP3/CD Players:  If you have your own device, it will be allowed during Individual Work Time as long as one ear is left open so you can hear me.  Not Allowed during Whole Class Instruction Time or Group Time.  No headphones will be checked out for computer usage. If you do not have them for your own device, you will not have anything to listen to.  Food:  Allowed during IWT as long as you clean up your trash and don’t mess up the keyboards.  Not Allowed during WCIT or Group Time.  Drinks:  Must be on the floor away from the CPUs.

6  Bathroom/Hall Pass:  NO I.D.=NO PASS Do not come up to me putting on your I.D., if you don’t have it on when you walk in the room, don’t bother!!!  You will not go anywhere during WCIT unless you are called out by the office. Don’t bother asking. (Obvious Emergencies may be excluded).

7  Internet Usage:  Classroom assigned Blogging and assignment research = yes  MP3 music/You Tube =no  Other class homework = with permission after ALL ICA ASSIGNMENTS ARE DONE.  Just because = no  Email:  NO- unless you are emailing an assignment to me.  Consequence: One warning then automatic 30 minute detention with me after school.

8  Due Dates: will be given for each assignment. The due date = latest date to turn in for full credit. 5 points will be taken off the first day it is late. No credit will be given 2 class periods or more after the due date (unless there are special circumstances).

9  Group Work  This will happen occasionally. You will be given instructions of what to do at the appropriate time. EVERYONE will participate in these activities.  YOU WILL BE RESPECTFUL OF EACH OTHER OR YOU WILL BE DEALT WITH BY ME or your division principal if the situation calls for it.

10  Printing:  You will only print the assignments I tell you to. Otherwise assignments will be turned in by email.  DO NOT get them off the printers. I will do this at the end of class.  At the end of class:  Log-off. DO NOT SHUTDOWN (7 th hour will shutdown).  Put your books away with the covers to the outside.  Stay in your assigned seat until the bell rings.  When you leave, push your chair in.

11  Total point value is undetermined at this point, but each assignment is usually worth 10.  These will be turned in by printing or email.  I will have grade sheets for each lesson. These will detail what is expected and the points you received. These will be handed back to you during class time.  Blogs are worth 5 points per day. If you are absent, you have until midnight that night to make it up. This includes all absences. If you are in class, do it here.  Tests point values are undetermined at this point, but usually are 125. Tests are given after each unit (with exception of Power Point).

12  Grades are determined by a percentage of total point value.  Although tests are worth more points, they do not have any more % weight to them.  Grading Scale:  A=100-90%  B=89-80%  C=79-70%  D=69-60%  F=59% or below  Extra Credit? Given by doing work in the keyboarding programs, but is not given unless all regular class work is done (with a few exceptions).

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