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compare shape color the shade you see bigger smaller.

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Presentation on theme: "compare shape color the shade you see bigger smaller."— Presentation transcript:


2 compare

3 shape

4 color the shade you see

5 bigger

6 smaller

7 heavier difficult to lift or move. : large in size and weight.

8 lighter having less weight

9 mass the amount of stuff in something

10 texture how rough or smooth something is

11 property a single part of the way something is

12 things that a living thing needs to survive basic needs

13 record to write or draw facts

14 describe use your five senses to tell about something

15 sort to separate into groups by a certain quality

16 identify tell the name of someone or something

17 differentiate to recognize what makes something different

18 size how big or small something is

19 above on top of; higher than

20 below under; underneath

21 behind at the back of; last

22 in front of

23 beside next to

24 location where something is

25 patterns events that repeat

26 seasons winter, spring, summer, fall; there are four seasons in one year

27 day the time between Sunrise to Sunset

28 night the time between Sunset to Sunrise

29 something that needs food, water, shelter, and air to live and grow and produce offspring living

30 nonliving a

31 Offspring offspring a new living thing made by other living things

32 plants a living thing with basic needs of nutrients, sunlight, water, air, and space

33 animals a living thing that has movement and basic needs of food, water, air, and space to live

34 physical characteristic things about an object that can be seen, heard, tasted, smelled, or felt

35 body covering fur, skin, scales, feathers, that cover a body part

36 leaf shape

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