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Brussels 1 st December 2009 – Alain-Dominique Quintart European Biodiversity : the Private Sector Offer.

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Presentation on theme: "Brussels 1 st December 2009 – Alain-Dominique Quintart European Biodiversity : the Private Sector Offer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brussels 1 st December 2009 – Alain-Dominique Quintart European Biodiversity : the Private Sector Offer

2 2 Wild flower and Pollen & Nectar Margins

3 3 Already 8 countries joined (PT, ES, FR, CH, IT, UK, DE, HU) Objective 10‘000 ha margins Partnerships w. Governments, Universities, Food Chain etc. Involve Beekeepers Already 8 countries joined (PT, ES, FR, CH, IT, UK, DE, HU) Objective 10‘000 ha margins Partnerships w. Governments, Universities, Food Chain etc. Involve Beekeepers It started in 2001 as a scientific project and is now boosting the number of Pollinators across Europe. Scientific Project 2001-2004 Scientific Project 2001-2004 Increased Bee Population upto 600% Regeneration of rare Bombus ruderatus Butterflies rose 12fold Other pollinating insects rose 10fold Increased Bee Population upto 600% Regeneration of rare Bombus ruderatus Butterflies rose 12fold Other pollinating insects rose 10fold Roll-out in UK 2005-2008 Roll-out in UK 2005-2008 570 Farmers joined 1000 ha of margins Partnership w. Sainsbury‘s Linkage to UK subsidy scheme 570 Farmers joined 1000 ha of margins Partnership w. Sainsbury‘s Linkage to UK subsidy scheme Roll-out across Europe 2009 - 2014 Roll-out across Europe 2009 - 2014

4 4 Practical demonstration of our actions and solutions ●Network of 11 farms on arable crops and grapes ●Methods and equipments to promote Good Agricultural Practice (water, biodiversity, users) « A tool box for agriculture respectful of natural environment»

5 5 Good Agriculture Practice and Environment protection ●Improve management of crop protection in order to minimize direct or indirect effects on non target organisms ●Encourage external partnerships to promote wider approach in agriculture ●Contribute to land management in order to improve biodiversity

6 6 Agéris today EARL Mennesson M. Xavier Mardelet EARL Bernard Paillet GAEC Duffau Frères M. Christian Charles EARL de Millet Exploit. Lycée Agri. de la Touche EARL de la Fortrelle MM Raymond et Lionel Eydant Château les Vergnes Champagne Vazard à Chouilly Château St-Louis la Perdrix

7 7 Bordeaux: Château les Vergnes

8 8 Thank you for your attention

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