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© 2008 California State University, Fullerton Projecting & Managing Faculty Funds Lisa Kopecky Assistant Vice President for Academic Operations & Finance.

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Presentation on theme: "© 2008 California State University, Fullerton Projecting & Managing Faculty Funds Lisa Kopecky Assistant Vice President for Academic Operations & Finance."— Presentation transcript:

1 © 2008 California State University, Fullerton Projecting & Managing Faculty Funds Lisa Kopecky Assistant Vice President for Academic Operations & Finance

2 2 2007-2008 Faculty Head Counts 713.5 Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty 165Full-time Lecturers 1,203 Part-time Faculty 2,081.5 TOTAL

3 3 Academic Budget Breakout 07-08

4 4 What Can Go Wrong?

5 5 Basic Process What is the distribution of our faculty How much should be available How much is available What are other “puts & takes” adding to or taking from the available amount What are the commitments against available funds

6 6 Faculty Headcount Distribution Part-time Faculty Projection Model FTES = FT Equivalent Students FTEF = FT Equivalent Faculty SFR = Student-to-Faculty Ratio ARTSCollegeDeanArtMusic Theatre/ Dance 07-08 Baseline FTES A2,310 SFR /B17.99 New Baseline FTEF =C128.4 06/07 Baseline FTEF128.4 New Additional Baseline FTEF Projected to be Funded0.0 07/08 FTEF Full-time Faculty + Dept Chairs78.25129.7522.7524.75 07/08 FTEF Part-time Faculty to be Funded50.15021.6512.2516.25 128.4151.43541

7 7 How Much Should Be Available? ARTS FTEF Full-time Faculty + Dept Chairs78.25 FTEF Part-time Faculty to be Funded50.15 College FTEF Target128.4 FT Lecturer Replacement Rate47,472 Minimum Initial Funding Needed for PTF2,380,721

8 8 How Much Is Available? Minimum Initial Funding Needed for PTF2,380,721 PTF Initial Baseline1,951,715 PTF Carry forward $$0 New Additional Baseline FTEF Funding0 Less 2 Months New Baseline FTEF0 VPAA Separation Analysis (additional funding or contribution to offset new hires)45,093 AY to 12 Month Chairs Differential0 One-time FTEF Overage225,574 PTF Compensation Increases Posted in 07-0877,904 Salary Savings (2 Months) for New FT Faculty Hires budgeted @ 12 months by College57,956 Salary Savings from vacant placeholder positions325,584 Separating FT Faculty Settlement Costs-7,854 Baseline Budget Reduction0 One-time Budget Reduction0 1% Contingency to VPAA-110,466 Actual Initial Available2,565,506

9 9 Adjusting the Baseline Name Curr ent FTE Revised FTE Position Value Revised Position Value Comments Lamb,Dana J1.00 87,19291,332 **Pearlstone,Zena0.00 46,51249,692Separated TT Placeholder Christjansen,Dorte1.000.5042,300 Continuing FERP Lagerberg,Donald E1.000.5096,72050,652Joining FERP Carter,John R1.000.5042,960 Continuing FERP Lizarraga,Sergio1.00 71,13674,508 Forkan,Joseph A1.00 58,63269,792 Gray,Maurice L Vacant0.500.0041,80849,692 Ended FERP Spring 2008, Separated TT Placeholder **Aenlle,Anavictoria0.00 46,51249,692Separated TT Placeholder Jenkins II,Jimmie E1.00 86,47290,564LWOP Cho,Kyung S1.00 77,89283,748 Cantley,Bryan W1.00 81,14487,252DIPL Moore,Theron R1.00 71,76075,156 Cowin,Eileen F1.000.5093,43248,930Joining FERP 944,472 906,270 TOTAL

10 10 Baseline Budget Realignment Original FT Faculty $9,072,100 Original PT Faculty 2,100,915 $11,173,015 Revised FT Faculty$9,221,300 Balance to PT Faculty 1,951,715 $11,173,015

11 11 PT Faculty Dollars Fund: Part-time faculty hires Part-time faculty settlements Teaching Associates Graduate Assistants Faculty additional pay or releases

12 12 How Much Is Available? Minimum Initial Funding Needed for PTF2,380,721 PTF Initial Baseline1,951,715 PTF Carry forward $$0 New Additional Baseline FTEF Funding0 Less 2 Months New Baseline FTEF0 VPAA Separation Analysis (additional funding or contribution to offset new hires)45,093 AY to 12 Month Chairs Differential0 One-time FTEF Overage225,574 PTF Compensation Increases Posted in 07-0877,904 Salary Savings (2 Months) for New FT Faculty Hires budgeted @ 12 months by College57,956 Salary Savings from vacant placeholder positions325,584 Separating FT Faculty Settlement Costs-7,854 Baseline Budget Reduction0 One-time Budget Reduction0 1% Contingency to VPAA-110,466 Actual Initial Available2,565,506

13 13 Puts & Takes DeanArtMusicTheatre Initial Available allocated by FTEF2,565,506336,389962,321544,500722,296 Dean's Adjustment0-65,247-101,358105,87960,726 Revised Initial Allocation2,565,506271,142860,963650,379783,022 PT Faculty Settlement Costs (06/07 appointments) -329,2300-121,168-109,668-98,394 Sabbatical Replacement Funding from VPAA Jewett, McGee, Roche, Sheffield, Smith @ 17,89689,480053,68817,896 Other FTEF from VPAA Timm (FPC Chair); Jasper (3 units University Honors Program $4,443)13,329008,8864,443 Dean's Releases or Faculty Additional Pay to be Funded from PTF $$Grand Central Release0-6,500 6,500 Externally (Grant or Contract) Funded Releases Other One-time Funding FEID Award Releases VPAA Funded New Faculty Course Releases 71,088031,10126,65813,329 Untenured Faculty Professional Development Grants Internships & Service LearningHolland6,309 Savings from Difference in Pay or Other Leaves Other Full-time Faculty Salary Savings or unbudgeted additional costs Martin - mid-year separation33,516 Projected Available2,449,998298,158830,893594,151726,796

14 14 Faculty Leaves FERP: Faculty Early Retirement Program (50% time base & 50% salary for 5 years) DIPL: Difference in Pay Leave (faculty is paid difference between base salary and FT Lecturer Replacement Rate - $47,472 for 08-09) Sabbatical: Fall or Spring – receive full pay; AY – receives 50% pay LWOP: Leave Without Pay – 100% of salary savings during leave period available for PTF hiring Release Time Reimbursements – Funding from grant or other activity buy out faculty time

15 15 Release Time Reimbursements (Total awarded if new' carry forward if ongoing project)Reimbursement Submitted Reimburs ement Received verified in FRS Remaini ng Release Time Balance Available Project # PI PI College Budget Period Start Date Bud get Peri od End DateDate AmtTerm Salary / Benefits Person Released Total Posted (salaries + benefits) Amt Pending 58210 Helen TaylorEDU7/1/2006 6/30/ 20079/8/06 $ 11,523.00F06 $4,121 / $1,640 Ellen Kottler $5,762 54116 Belinda KargeEDU 6/30/200 7 6/29/ 2008 $ 15,753.00S08 $5567 / $2309 Belinda Karge $ 7,876 $7,877 58156 Barbara GlaeserEDU7/1/2005 6/30/ 20061/28/05 $ 10,311F05 $3,695 / $1,460 Barbara Glaeser $0 SP06 $3,695 / $1,460 Barbara Glaeser

16 16 Difference-In-Pay Leave Faculty AY salary $80,000 FT lecturer replacement rate - $47,472 Paid to AY faculty on Leave $32,528

17 17 Part-time Faculty Salary Payouts Part-time Appointment Types: Academic Year: Paid 10 Months (Sept – June) in present year; 2 months in next (July & August) Fall: Paid 6 Months in present year (Sept – Feb) Spring: Paid 4 Months in present year (February – June); 2 months in next (July & August)

18 18 PT Faculty Salary Payouts JulAugSeptOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJun Prior Year AY (no mid- year change) 3,000 Prior Year AY (mid-year change) 2,7003,000 Prior Year Spring 2,500 Current Year AY 105,468 3,200 Current Year AY 2,700 3,000 PT Fall 978 PT Spring 1,500 8,2006,0006,878 8,6787,700 79,868

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