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Technical Certificate Workshop 205 Duty of Care 1August 2012.

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1 Technical Certificate Workshop 205 Duty of Care 1August 2012

2 Aims and Objectives The aim of this session is  To leave with a completed task workbook which covers Duty of Care, Safeguarding individuals, managing conflicts, comments and complaints. The objectives for the end of this session are;  You will have an understanding of ‘Duty of Care’.  You will have an understanding of duty of care, to safeguard the individuals you support.  You will have an understanding of how to recognise and manage conflicts or dilemmas  You will have an understanding of how to utilise your complaints procedure and how to manage complaints. 2August 2012

3 Brainstorm; What is Duty of Care? See unison handout also 3August 2012

4 Duty of Care; Technically speaking; You must take reasonable care to avoid acts or omissions which you can reasonably foresee would be likely to injure your neighbour 4August 2012

5 Duty of Care In relation to Health and Social Care; Where reasonably possible, your actions must not place an individual at risk of danger, harm or abuse when caring for them. By taking a job in care you are taking on a duty to care, therefore you owe it to your service users to care for them. 5August 2012

6 Brainstorm; Breaching Duty of Care Think in your groups of ways you might breach your duty of care; 6August 2012

7 Brainstorm; Upholding Duty of Care Now think about what you do on a daily basis to up hold your duty of care 7August 2012

8 The Law You are responsible under the following laws to uphold a duty of care; –No secrets (2000) –The Care Standards Act (2000) –Human Rights Act (1998) –Mental Capacity Act (2005) –Your own organisational policies and procedures 8August 2012

9 Duty of Care and Safeguarding What is safeguarding? –Safeguarding adults is a broader definition which includes protecting adults from harm. »(Lancashire County Council 2010) By upholding your duty of care, you are automatically safeguarding individuals. 9August 2012

10 Conflicts and Dilemmas in Duty of Care What are some the possible conflicts between your Duty Of Care and your service users rights? See handout 10August 2012

11 Managing conflicts Using the scenario you have been given in your groups Identify; –What is the conflict? –What is or to whom is your duty of care in this situation? –Devise a plan of action managing this conflict –What legislations might impinge on this? 11August 2012

12 Brainstorm; Seeking Support Make a list of places where you could seek advice and support 12August 2012

13 Complaints What is a complaint? –A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction, either written or spoken. A complaint can be made by an individual or a group. 13August 2012

14 Good practice when managing complaints Stay calm Record everything some-one has told you Advise a line manager Offer no opinion Be polite to the person Make no promises about any actions they want August 201214

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