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The SuperNovae Legacy Survey Overview and First results Dominique Fouchez ( Centre de physique des Particules de Marseille/ IN2P3 ) On behalf of the SNLS.

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Presentation on theme: "The SuperNovae Legacy Survey Overview and First results Dominique Fouchez ( Centre de physique des Particules de Marseille/ IN2P3 ) On behalf of the SNLS."— Presentation transcript:

1 The SuperNovae Legacy Survey Overview and First results Dominique Fouchez ( Centre de physique des Particules de Marseille/ IN2P3 ) On behalf of the SNLS Collaboration Sino-French workshop on Dark universe Marseille, 23 Sep 2005

2 SNLS:Overview and First Results, Sino-French workshop, Marseille 2005 The SNLS : Overview and First results Introduction Project overview Current status and first results Perspectives

3 SNLS:Overview and First Results, Sino-French workshop, Marseille 2005 Introduction:The cosmological paradigm Today’s universe : Dark matter (30%) + Dark energy (70%) Dark energy: caracterised by Equation of State w=p/   w = w(z)  In the following w =constant

4 SNLS:Overview and First Results, Sino-French workshop, Marseille 2005 Introduction:The principle of the measure Hubble diagram of standard candles: –Standard candles –Redshift –Magnitude Standard Candle: Standardized Supernovae Ia Measure: with a magnitude precision of few 0.01  a precision of 0.1 for will give first indication of Dark energy nature z mm

5 SNLS:Overview and First Results, Sino-French workshop, Marseille 2005 Project: a SuperNova Legacy Survey PRIMARY SCIENCE GOAL : Measurement of cosmological parameters –constraint below the 0.1 precision ADDITIONAL GOALS : –Adressing all possible cosmological and astrophycical issues from such large SN set : SN rate SN study, galaxy formation etc…

6 SNLS:Overview and First Results, Sino-French workshop, Marseille 2005 Project: Requirements 700 identified, localised, standardised and well measured high z SNIa –Spectral identification of SN a maximum luminosity –Spectral redshift : from host galaxy and/or SN spectrum –Multicolor LC Photometry = g’,r’,i’,z’ –LC well sampled (~ 5 multicolor epochs per month) –Precise calibration : few percent accuracy –depth, z=0.3-0.9 (i’ at max < 24.5 ) –…

7 SNLS:Overview and First Results, Sino-French workshop, Marseille 2005 Project: Requirements 700 identified, localised, standardised and well measured high z SNIa –Spectral identification of SN a maximum luminosity –Spectral redshift : from host galaxy and/or SN spectrum –Multicolor LC Photometry = g’,r’,i’,z’ –LC well sampled (~ 5 multicolor epochs per month) –Precise calibration : few percent accuracy –depth, z=0.3-0.9 (i’ at max < 24.5 ) –…

8 SNLS:Overview and First Results, Sino-French workshop, Marseille 2005 Project: Requirements 700 identified, localised, standardised and well measured high z SNIa –Spectral identification of SN a maximum luminosity –Spectral redshift : from host galaxy and/or SN spectrum –Multicolor LC Photometry = g’,r’,i’,z’ –LC well sampled (~ 5 multicolor epochs per month) –Precise calibration : few percent accuracy –depth, z=0.3-0.9 (i’ at max < 24.5 ) –…

9 SNLS:Overview and First Results, Sino-French workshop, Marseille 2005 Project: Requirements 700 identified, localised, standardised and well measured high z SNIa –Spectral identification of SN a maximum luminosity –Spectral redshift : from host galaxy and/or SN spectrum –Multicolor LC Photometry = g’,r’,i’,z’ –LC well sampled (~ 5 multicolor epochs per month) –Precise calibration : few percent accuracy –depth, z=0.3-0.9 (i’ at max < 24.5 ) –…

10 SNLS:Overview and First Results, Sino-French workshop, Marseille 2005 Project: Requirements 700 identified, localised, standardised and well measured high z SNIa –Spectral identification of SN a maximum luminosity –Spectral redshift : from host galaxy and/or SN spectrum –Multicolor LC Photometry = g’,r’,i’,z’ –LC well sampled (~ 5 multicolor epochs per month) –Precise calibration : few percent accuracy –depth, z=0.3-0.9 (i’ at max < 24.5 ) –…

11 SNLS:Overview and First Results, Sino-French workshop, Marseille 2005 Project: Requirements 700 identified, localised, standardised and well measured high z SNIa –Spectral identification of SN a maximum luminosity –Spectral redshift : from host galaxy and/or SN spectrum –Multicolor LC Photometry = g’,r’,i’,z’ –LC well sampled (~ 5 multicolor epochs per month) –Precise calibration : few percent accuracy –depth, z=0.3-0.9 (i’ at max < 24.5 ) –…

12 SNLS:Overview and First Results, Sino-French workshop, Marseille 2005 Means

13 SNLS:Overview and First Results, Sino-French workshop, Marseille 2005 Means Team : canadian-french+others (UK+US+Port.) – about 60 collaborators Telescope : CFHT+VLT+Gemini Time : – about 250H/year in both photometric and spectroscopic observations Real time detection pipelines

14 SNLS:Overview and First Results, Sino-French workshop, Marseille 2005 Means: Telescopes & intruments Photometry –CFHT : 3.6 meters at Hawaii megacam imager of 1 sq degree

15 SNLS:Overview and First Results, Sino-French workshop, Marseille 2005 Means: Telescopes & intruments Spectrocopy : 8m - class –VLT + FORS1 –Gemini + GMOS –Others : KECK + LRIS

16 SNLS:Overview and First Results, Sino-French workshop, Marseille 2005 Means : Real time detection Principle of detection –Subtraction of each night (stacked images) on a reference image to find individual detections

17 SNLS:Overview and First Results, Sino-French workshop, Marseille 2005 Means : Real time detection Principle of detection –Subtraction of each night (stacked images) on a reference image to find individual detections –Construction of Lightcurve of candidates for all night all filter at same sky position days - =

18 SNLS:Overview and First Results, Sino-French workshop, Marseille 2005 Means : Real time detection Principle of detection –Subtraction of each night (stacked images) on a reference image to find individual detections –Construction of Lightcurve of candidates for all night all filter at same sky position –SNIa photometric ranking : to select candidate for spectroscopy follow up, based on multicolor lightcurve fit

19 SNLS:Overview and First Results, Sino-French workshop, Marseille 2005 Means : Real time detection Principle of detection –Subtraction of each night (stacked images) on a reference image to find individual detections –Construction of Lightcurve of candidates for all night all filter at same sky position –SNIa photometric ranking –Two independant real time pipeline (Can & F) crosscheck and robustness Select candidate for spectro after each obs night Result in less than 24H Dataflow stream : up to 30 Go input/night and up to 10 To output/year

20 SNLS:Overview and First Results, Sino-French workshop, Marseille 2005 Means : a fully automated pipeline Detection on each stacked image Real time science images (Elixir) provided by CFHT automatically trigger the start of the pipeline. Image stack + subtraction is done to produce individual detections detections are send to event database for selection. Construction and selection of the candidated A manual stream (snlsdb), where a visual scanning is used to select and validate the snupernova candidates An automated selection (ACE), based on neural network trained on image simulation, is used to select the good candidates (better than 90% efficient) Merging with the other (canadian) pipeline The output of the pipeline is directed to the common Canada/France candidate database (based at Toronto) A synchronisation of the database is performed each hour ( 90% agreement up to i’=24.5). The choice of candidate for spectro is made on the information collected by both French and canada pipeline So far (july 2005) we registred about 3000 candidates, 1000 SN like and sent 330 of those to spectroscopy follow-up No human intervention is necessary up to this stage to produce the candidate list. Detection on each stacked image Construction and selection of the candidates

21 SNLS:Overview and First Results, Sino-French workshop, Marseille 2005 Means : a fully automated pipeline Detection on each stacked image Real time science images (Elixir) provided by CFHT automatically trigger the start of the pipeline. Image stack + subtraction is done to produce individual detections detections are send to event database for selection. Construction and selection of the candidated A manual stream (snlsdb), where a visual scanning is used to select and validate the snupernova candidates An automated selection (ACE), based on neural network trained on image simulation, is used to select the good candidates (better than 90% efficient) Merging with the other (canadian) pipeline The output of the pipeline is directed to the common Canada/France candidate database (based at Toronto) A synchronisation of the database is performed each hour ( 90% agreement up to i’=24.5). The choice of candidate for spectro is made on the information collected by both French and canada pipeline So far (july 2005) we registred about 3000 candidates, 1000 SN like and sent 330 of those to spectroscopy follow-up No human intervention is necessary up to this stage to produce the candidate list.

22 SNLS:Overview and First Results, Sino-French workshop, Marseille 2005 Status: Real time lightcurves A sample of lighcurves in each filter …

23 SNLS:Overview and First Results, Sino-French workshop, Marseille 2005 Status: Spectroscopy 330 spectra analysed in quasi real time 190 Ia identified with template fitting Identification is performed by  2 fitting of SN database templates (different type : Ia, Ia peculiar,Ic,IIP … and different phase) and galaxy templates. Gemini VLT with SN and Galaxy fitted

24 SNLS:Overview and First Results, Sino-French workshop, Marseille 2005 Status: Survey progress Almost 2 years of running May 2005 800 SN like 190 SNIa 2000 SN 700 SNIa at the end of 2008

25 SNLS:Overview and First Results, Sino-French workshop, Marseille 2005 Status: spectro redshift distribution Redshift distribution of SNIa : = 0.6

26 SNLS:Overview and First Results, Sino-French workshop, Marseille 2005 First Results : Cosmological parameters measurement 1 year of data : –142 spectra –20 Type II SNe –9 AGN/QSO –91 Sne Ia 10 miss references 6 only have 1 band Cosmo paramameters measurements = 5 Steps –Differential photometry –Photometric calibration –Lightcurve fit –Cosmology fit –Systematic uncertainties 75 usable SNIa events

27 SNLS:Overview and First Results, Sino-French workshop, Marseille 2005 First result: Differential photometry Image model=constant galaxy+point source + sky background Fit is performed independently On each exposure

28 SNLS:Overview and First Results, Sino-French workshop, Marseille 2005 First Results: Lightcurve exemples

29 SNLS:Overview and First Results, Sino-French workshop, Marseille 2005 First Results: Multi-color lightcurve fits SALT: Spectral adaptative lightcurve template Model SNIa SED as a function of –Phase (date wrt to B-band maximum) –Lambda (rest frame ) –Stretch (dilatation of B-band phase axis) –Color (E(B-V) at B maximum) Color term and extinction Model fitted on an independant Sample of low z SNIa

30 SNLS:Overview and First Results, Sino-French workshop, Marseille 2005 First results: SNLS Lightcurve fits

31 SNLS:Overview and First Results, Sino-French workshop, Marseille 2005 First results: Photometric calibration Based on Landolt stars in ‘landolt magnitude system’ Low redshift sample : already in landolt magnitude Produce calibrated stars in SN field Checked observed vs synthetic color terms Zero points at the percent level metric s

32 SNLS:Overview and First Results, Sino-French workshop, Marseille 2005 First results: Hubble diagram  B = m * B – M +  (s-1) –  c 45 low z + 71 SNLS ( outliers removed)

33 SNLS:Overview and First Results, Sino-French workshop, Marseille 2005 First results: Cosmological parameter fits SNLS first year contours, combined with Baryon oscillation results (Eisenstein et al 2005)

34 SNLS:Overview and First Results, Sino-French workshop, Marseille 2005 Data consistency and systematic studies Comparison SNLS/Nearby: stretch and color (Black) (Blue) stretchcolor

35 SNLS:Overview and First Results, Sino-French workshop, Marseille 2005 Data consistency and systematic studies SALT multi-band consistency –  U 3 is the difference between measure in a third band and expectation from SALT fit in two other band

36 SNLS:Overview and First Results, Sino-French workshop, Marseille 2005 Data consistency and systematic studies Summary of error budget

37 SNLS:Overview and First Results, Sino-French workshop, Marseille 2005 First results: numbers For a flat  CDM cosmology For a flat  M,w cosmology, –Combined with Baryonic acoutic oscillation (Eisenstein 2005) A better result than all ground-based SNe results  M =0.263 +- 0.042 (stat) +- 0.032 (syst)  M = 0.271 +- 0.021 (stat) +- 0.007 (syst) w = -1.023 +- 0.090 (stat) +- 0.054 (syst)

38 SNLS:Overview and First Results, Sino-French workshop, Marseille 2005 Prospects :

39 SNLS:Overview and First Results, Sino-French workshop, Marseille 2005 Prospects : error reduction The current status: –71 high z SNIa :   w> = 0.1 (stat) + 0.05 (syst)  Important to control the systematical errors for error budget The perspectives –Up to 700 high z SNIa Statistical error reduced –Many analysis of systematical effect Systematical error better controlled and reduced Both Statistical and systematical errors can be reduced at the end of the survey

40 SNLS:Overview and First Results, Sino-French workshop, Marseille 2005 Prospects : Systematical errors control Systematical errors potential sources –Calibration –K correction –Malmquist bias –Evolution –Dust –Extinction –Contamination –Gravitational lensing Control tools and analysis - Calibration program - Multicolor lightcurves - Spectral line studies - Spectral evolution - IR data - UV studies - Classification/Sub-sample studies - Host galaxie morphology - MonteCarlo simulations - Type II analysis - …

41 SNLS:Overview and First Results, Sino-French workshop, Marseille 2005 Prospects : ultimate precision 5 years expectations :   w> = 0.07 combined with low z SNe and weak lensing of CFHTLS

42 SNLS:Overview and First Results, Sino-French workshop, Marseille 2005 Prospects: Other science Other science with 2000 Sne + 1000 spectra –SN rate –SN IIP../..

43 SNLS:Overview and First Results, Sino-French workshop, Marseille 2005 Prospects: Other science Type Ia ratesMetallicity effectsType Ia progenitorsRedshift evolution Cosmology with Type II SNe SN Ia UV properties Properties of DustType Ia rise times Epoch of cosmic deceleration Ia explosion mechanism Ia Intrinsic Scatter Benetti velocity diagram High-stretch SNe Ia diversity Core collapse SN rate CMAGIC Core collapse progenitors Improved K-corrections SN Ib/c-GRB connection SN Ia peak-tail ratio Ia metallicity cutoff Ia geometric effects II-P risetimeIR Hubble Diagram Type IIn - Type Ia connection AGN/SN Ia connection Ia pseudo-EW correlations Host galaxy properties Unique SNe Ia high velocity components SN color-color selection SN Luminosity distribution Cosmic star formation history Deflagration vs. detonation Intrinsic Type Ia colors Type II shock breakout Stretch, MLCS,  m 15 improvements Galactic chemical evolution Are SNe Ia a one parameter family? Are there low-s SNe Ia at high z? Groundwork for future (JDEM, LSST)

44 SNLS:Overview and First Results, Sino-French workshop, Marseille 2005 Conclusions The SNLS project is entering it’s most existing phase of producing new science results : –Set up after first 2 years is well under control, in accordance to expectations : should achived designed goal after 5 years –First year result competitive with previous cosmological parameters measurements with SNIa The SNLS is a second generation High z SNIa project –Very homegenous and complete dataset –Redondancy of multicolor lighcurve and spectroscopy –Systematical errors can be controlled and reduced The SNLS is a legacy survey –Many other studies, related to SNe science will be possible Many scientific results to come … Stay tuned !

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