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Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) Joanne Tornow BIO/MCB Chair, CAREER Coordinating Committee.

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Presentation on theme: "Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) Joanne Tornow BIO/MCB Chair, CAREER Coordinating Committee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) Joanne Tornow BIO/MCB Chair, CAREER Coordinating Committee

2 CAREER Program Goals Provide stable funds to support the early career-development activities of outstanding teacher-scholars in the context of the mission of their organization Build a firm foundation to sustain integrated research and educational activities beyond the life of the initial award Increase participation of those traditionally underrepresented in science and engineering

3 CAREER: NSF’s Most Prestigious Award for Junior Faculty Size and duration of CAREER awards are commensurate with the award’s prestige Five year duration $400,000 minimum ($500,000 in BIO) Source of NSF’s PECASE awardees (Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers)

4 PECASE Presidential award recognizing 60 outstanding junior scientists and engineers annually who have exceptional potential for leadership at the frontiers of knowledge Participating agencies: NSF, NIH, NIST, USDA, DOE, DOD, NASA, NOAA, and VA NSF’s awardees are chosen from among the newest group of CAREER awardees

5 History of CAREER Prestige grants PFF, PYI, NYI Starter grants RIA 1995 CAREER (Faculty Early Career Development Program) Integration of Research and Education Pre-1995 Two types of young investigator awards Both focused on research

6 Implementation of CAREER Leader Role Model Nation’s most outstanding teacher- scholars Critical Mass Majority of successful new faculty expected to hold CAREER award Multiple implementation strategies are being used within NSF

7 Implementation of CAREER Different implementation strategies lead to: Differences in # proposals received Differences in % of program funds allocated to CAREER Differences in % of junior faculty supported by CAREER vs. regular grants

8 CAREER at NSF NSF-wide CAREER success rates are declining (23% in FY’00 to 19% in FY’04) Total number of CAREER proposals submitted have increased nearly 30% in last five years

9 # of CAREER Awards

10 CAREER Success Rates in BIO By Division (’01-’05) DEB IOB MCB DBI

11 CAREER vs. New PI Success Rates in BIO (’01-’04)

12 Total CAREER Funding in BIO (FY’00-’04)

13 Total CAREER Funding in BIO By Division (FY’00-’04) DEB IOB MCB DBI

14 CAREER Demographics (NSF-wide) Participation by female PIs increasing slightly (21% in FY’00 to 25% in FY’05) Participation by minority PIs increasing (7.3% in FY’00 to 10% in FY’05) ~ 16% of proposals were submitted by institutions in EPSCoR states ~ 4% of proposals were submitted by minority-serving institutions

15 In Conclusion The CAREER program is a major activity at NSF (over 3700 CAREER awards made to date, 160 PECASE awards), and is continuing to grow Future Activities: COV review of CAREER External evaluation of the impact of CAREER PECASE awardee colloquium

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