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4 th Grade Lesson 15 Word Work Review: Open and Closed Syllable Patterns, Prefixes, Suffixes and Unaccented Syllables: Schwa + n.

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Presentation on theme: "4 th Grade Lesson 15 Word Work Review: Open and Closed Syllable Patterns, Prefixes, Suffixes and Unaccented Syllables: Schwa + n."— Presentation transcript:

1 4 th Grade Lesson 15 Word Work Review: Open and Closed Syllable Patterns, Prefixes, Suffixes and Unaccented Syllables: Schwa + n

2 Open and Closed Syllable Patterns Listen to me read these words. After I read them, turn and tell your partner how many syllables you hear in each word rival habit

3 Open and Closed Syllable Patterns Listen to me read these words. After I read them, turn and tell your partner how many syllables you hear in each word ri/val hab/it When a syllable breaks before a consonant, as in rival, the syllable is usually pronounced with a long vowel sound. This is called an open syllable pattern. When a syllable breaks after a consonant, as in habit, the syllable is usually pronounced with a short vowel sound. This is called a closed syllable pattern.

4 Open and Closed Syllable Patterns REMEMBER: If you are unsure whether a syllable is open or closed, pronounce it with both a long vowel sound and a short vowel sound to see which results in a word you know.

5 Open and Closed Syllable Patterns With your partner divide each word into syllables, then read the word. sacrilege subjection immaculately sac ri lege sub jec tion im mac u late ly intimidate

6 Structural Analysis: Prefixes: re-, un-, non- Listen to me read these words. After I read them, turn and tell your partner the prefix and the root word in each word uncover recover

7 Structural Analysis: Prefixes: re-, un-, non- Listen to me read these words. After I read them, turn and tell your partner the prefix and the root word in each word uncover recover

8 Structural Analysis: Prefixes: re-, un-, non- Listen to me read these words. After I read them, turn and tell your partner the prefix and the root word in each word nonhuman nondairy

9 Structural Analysis: Prefixes: re-, un-, non- Listen to me read these words. After I read them, turn and tell your partner the prefix and the root word in each word nonhuman nondairy

10 Structural Analysis: Prefixes: re-, un-, non- Look for prefixes in longer words and then look for familiar words or word parts that follow a prefix. Remember- a prefix will be the first syllable in the word.

11 Structural Analysis: Prefixes: re-, un-, non- With your partner identify the prefix and root word in each word, breaking the root word into syllables as appropriate. Decode each syllable to read the word nonrestrictive reconstruct recalcitrant non re stric tive re con struct re cal ci trant nonsensical

12 Structural Analysis: Suffixess: -able, -ible, -ness, -ment, - less Listen to me read this word. After I read it, turn and tell your partner the suffix in the word comfortable

13 Structural Analysis: Suffixess: -able, -ible, -ness, -ment, -less Listen to me read this word. After I read it, turn and tell your partner the suffix in the word. comfortable com/fort/a/ble Listen to me divide this word into syllables and read it. When I point, read it with me.

14 Structural Analysis: Suffixess: -able, -ible, -ness, -ment, -less Listen to me read this word. After I read it, turn and tell your partner the suffix in the word visible

15 Structural Analysis: Suffixess: -able, -ible, -ness, -ment, -less Listen to me read this word. After I read it, turn and tell your partner the suffix in the word. visible vis/i/ble Listen to me divide this word into syllables and read it. When I point, read it with me.

16 Structural Analysis: Suffixess: -able, -ible, -ness, -ment, -less Listen to me read this word. After I read it, turn and tell your partner the suffix in the word hopeless

17 Structural Analysis: Suffixess: -able, -ible, -ness, -ment, -less Listen to me read this word. After I read it, turn and tell your partner the suffix in the word hopeless Listen to me divide this word into syllables and read it. When I point, read it with me. hope/less

18 Structural Analysis: Suffixess: -able, -ible, -ness, -ment, -less Look for suffixes you know in longer words and then look for familiar words or word parts that come before a suffix. The spelling of a root word can change when a suffix is added. Remember- a suffix is the last syllable in a word (that has a suffix)

19 Structural Analysis: Suffixess: -able, -ible, -ness, -ment, -less With your partner identify the suffix and root word in each word, breaking the root word into syllables as appropriate. Decode each syllable to read the word equipment thoughtless gullible e quip ment thought less gull i ble directness

20 Unaccented Syllables: Schwa + n Listen to me read this word. lesson Notice that first syllable in lesson is pronounced with more stress than the second syllable. Remember the vowel sound in the unstressed syllable is called the schwa sound. les/son

21 Unaccented Syllables: Schwa + n Listen to me read these words. After I read each word turn and tell your partner which syllable is the unstressed syllable captaincap/tain raisin rai/sin siren si/ren Notice that the / ən/ sound can be spelled in different ways –on, ain, an, en, in.

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