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Communicating Internally About Corporate Reputation Ericka Webb Communications Manager Best Buy, Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "Communicating Internally About Corporate Reputation Ericka Webb Communications Manager Best Buy, Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Communicating Internally About Corporate Reputation Ericka Webb Communications Manager Best Buy, Inc.

2 What Is Corporate Reputation? Best Buy defines it as a measure of trust in a company’s actions and words

3 Noticing A Gap Incorporate reputation data into –Business decisions –Communication plans

4 My Research Question Do Corporate Employees Have The Same Opinion of Best Buy’s Reputation as Non- Employees?

5 How Do We Do Find Out? Administer the Reputation Tracker survey to corporate employees Electronic, self-selecting survey Phased communications raised awareness and encouraged participation

6 What We Asked Survey consisted of 20 questions Sample questions –How important would a given attribute be to you if you were evaluating a company –Rate your overall perception of the company –How likely would you be to recommend this company to a friend for employment, shopping or investing

7 How Do We Measure? Two metrics used for comparison –Overall Score –Individual attributes

8 What Non-Employees Say

9 What Employees Say

10 Very Different Opinions

11 What We Wanted To Know Do employees have the same opinion of Best Buy’s reputation as non-employees? No, there are significant differences in opinions.

12 What Do The Scores Mean? Possible explanations –Employees are advocates and critics –Self-selecting respondents –Demographic information missing –Poor timing –Technical constraints –Accurate portrayal

13 What I Would Do Next Create internal communication plan for top six attributes Begin PR and internal communications meetings Survey again in one year to gauge efforts

14 What Best Buy Is Doing Employee survey will be administered again –Include retail employees in sample –Not self-selecting sample –Analyzed in Perseus, Best Buy’s survey tool Follow up focus groups

15 Data Isn’t Good Or Bad, Just Actionable

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