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Landscapes Day 4 Climate and Mass Movement. Do Now  1. The diagram shows the stump of a tree whose root grew into a small crack in bedrock and split.

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Presentation on theme: "Landscapes Day 4 Climate and Mass Movement. Do Now  1. The diagram shows the stump of a tree whose root grew into a small crack in bedrock and split."— Presentation transcript:

1 Landscapes Day 4 Climate and Mass Movement

2 Do Now  1. The diagram shows the stump of a tree whose root grew into a small crack in bedrock and split the rock apart.  The action of the root splitting the bedrock is an example of what type of weathering? 

3 Do Now (Cont.)  2. Which agent of erosion was primarily responsible for forming the long, narrow, U- shaped valleys in the Finger Lakes region of New York State?  3. If you had two rock samples, one limestone and the other granite, which rock type would weather faster and why?

4 Aim, Learning Target & Agenda  AIM:  What is the effect of climate on weathering landscapes?  How can large amounts of land be eroded at the same time?  Learning Target:  I can describe how landscapes are altered by climate and mass movement.  Agenda:  Do Now  Lesson on Weathering (continued)  Project Assignment

5 Climate  How does climate differ from the weather?  Climate is the characteristic weather of a region over an extended period of time.  Climate influences  the TYPE of weathering and the RATE (speed) of weathering.

6 Climate  Arid (dry) regions do not experience much weathering.  Hot & humid (wet) regions experience more chemical weathering  Cold & humid (wet) regions experience more physical weathering

7 What causes valleys like this?

8 Glaciers  Create U-shaped valleys  Glaciers have rocks stuck in the ice along the sides and bottom of the glacier.  Depending on how hard the rocks are, they can scratch the bedrock that the glacier is passing over  These scratches are called striations


10 Glaciers  Glaciers also drop random large boulders places.

11 Mass Movements  DUE TO GRAVITY!  Usually weathering happens slowly and gradually.  Sometimes, it can happen rapidly in the form of mass movements  Ex: rockfalls and mudslides  Or, it can happen slowly overtime: soil creep, slump

12 Rock falls


14 Mud Flows (aka mudslides)

15 Soil Creep

16 Landslides  vironment-natural-disasters/landslides-and- more/landslides/ vironment-natural-disasters/landslides-and- more/landslides/

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