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The Diocese of Manchester Board of Education Canon Maurice Smith CB Working in and with schools An overview of CE school education in the Diocese.

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Presentation on theme: "The Diocese of Manchester Board of Education Canon Maurice Smith CB Working in and with schools An overview of CE school education in the Diocese."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Diocese of Manchester Board of Education Canon Maurice Smith CB Working in and with schools An overview of CE school education in the Diocese

2 The brief - three things History of the Church (of England) in education The CE, Diocese of Manchester, Board of Education: what does it do, and why? An overview of CE schools

3 History of the church in education Part 1: 1811- 1944 1811 – founding of the National Society 1840 – first influence of the state 1870 – state funds schools/dual system 1902 – LEAs founded 1918 – post-war shift towards state

4 History of the church in education Part 2: 1944 - now Archbishop Temple: ‘Our Trust and Our Task’: “existence of church schools as a protection against the totalitarian state” Education Act 1944 (Butler Act) – secured the ‘dual system’: VA/VC 1966 – comprehensive schools 1988 – Education Reform Act (Baker) - £p three pillars – testing curriculum, inspection 2010 – Academies Act (Gove)

5 Bishop Nigel’s Pilgrimage Vision Let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus. Pass on the gospel message of faith, hope and love. Serving the community; growing our Church; increasing our giving.

6 What does the Board of Education do – and why? Statutory duties - founded on the Board of Education Measure 1991

7 To promote education in the diocese which is consistent with the faith and practice of the CE sustain or grow CE school places To promote religious education and collective worship support for school improvement – RE and collective worship

8 To advise governors of church schools support for school improvement – schools causing concern support for leadership and management –governor appointments –governor training –headteacher appointments –pastoral support –liaison with LAs and others –advise re academies

9 School organisation and buildings advice prescribed alterations discontinuance admission arrangements changing the ‘character’ disposal of premises alteration and repairs in VA school

10 Other duties Statutory inspection of Anglican and Methodist schools (SIAMS) Co-operation with other bodies Set-piece events: Cathedral services for Year 6 leavers; Cathedral services for new and retiring headteachers and governors; Annual conference at the Reebok in 2014

11 The Diocese of Manchester overview – the statistics More pupils in CE schools than any other diocese in England – the biggest 3 rd highest number of schools – 191; High proportion of VA/VC schools, 2:1; Half the high schools are academies; Five primary ‘convertor’ academies and one ‘sponsored’; A number of ‘church in schools’

12 The Diocese of Manchester overview – school performance Only one school in an Ofsted category of ‘inadequate’ (Grade 4); Higher proportion of higher attaining schools – –3/12 secondary academies > 75% 5 x A*-C Eng and Ma –5/12 secondaries ‘outstanding’ –One secondary academy ‘below floor standards’ –84% schools outstanding/good –17/179 primary schools below floor standards

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