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Westland Hialeah Senior High School

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1 Westland Hialeah Senior High School
Dual Enrollment Orientation

2 Congratulations!

3 Benefits of Dual Enrollment
A rigorous high school curriculum is a strong predictor of college success Get a head start on college Look good Save money Build confidence Experience a college campus Benefits of Dual Enrollment

4 Education & Gross Annual Earnings of Full-Time Workers Ages 25 and Older
Professional Degree Doctoral Degree $79, 400 Master’s Degree $61, 300 Bachelor’s Degree $50, 900 Associate Degree $40, 600 High School Graduate $31, 500 Education Pays Non high school graduate $23, 400

5 DE Schedule A Day B Day Block I: AP/DE Course Block II: College Course
Block III: College Course Block IV: AP/DE Course College Schedule M/W/F 10:00 – 10:50 am 11:00 – 11:50 am Students return to school by 12:15 pm, in time for lunch B Day Block I: AP/DE Course Block II: College Course Block III: College Course Block IV: AP/DE Course College Schedule T/R 9:50 – 11:05 am Students return to school by 12:20 15, in time for lunch DE Schedule

6 MDC Schedule 6.0 Credits per semester (required labs are additional)
Create MDC account (, Current Students, Create Account using MDC student number or SSN) Print schedule to obtain MDC ID and to turn in with the book voucher at the MDC book stores Check MDC portal frequently for updates! Students are responsible for communicating issues with schedule. MDC Schedule

7 Dual Enrollment Agreement
Academic Requirements: Students must maintain a minimum un-weighted GPA of 3.0. Students are required to earn a final grade of C or better in dual enrollment classes at the college campus. Students are not allowed to register for or drop classes without approval of high school personnel. All classes assigned (i.e. the four high school classes on the Westland campus) are required.

8 Dual Enrollment Agreement
Attendance Requirements: Early Dismissal from college campus is not allowed. Students must communicate attendance concerns in a timely manner. Students are not allowed to leave the college campus. Students are responsible for arriving to bus pick-up area at the high school and college campus on time. Students who leave Westland Hialeah Senior High (WHSH) on the school bus to MDC must return on the bus at the conclusion of their MDC classes. Students are required to report to WHSH every day prior to boarding the school bus to MDC. Students will be on the MDC campus from 9 am to 12 noon each weekday. The MDC semester dates may not coincide with WHSH semesters. When there is no class on MDC campus, students are required to be in complete uniform and in attendance all day at WHSH. Students are required to register for at least one course during the Summer A or Summer C terms at MDC. (Summer A: May – June; Summer C: May – July)

9 Dual Enrollment Agreement
General Requirements: Textbooks and materials attained with a book voucher are to be returned at the completion of the academic term. This is property of the WHSH. A copy of the receipt for textbooks/materials (indicating name, MDCPS ID and MDC ID) and duplicate copy of the voucher is to be submitted to the Dual Enrollment Coordinator at WHSH. A financial obligation will be incurred for unreturned books and materials. Students must be in compliance with school dress code at all times. When attending MDC, students may wear a gray, black, or red polo-style shirt and must be in compliance with the school uniform policy and dress code.

10 Important Contacts Mrs. Elizabeth Bello-Guzman
Counselor/ Dual Enrollment Coordinator ext. 2123 Mrs. Beatriz Sears, Assistant Principal









19 We are so proud of our successful Wildcats!

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