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Second Life as a Training Tool Betsy Buffington, Erin Bauer and LuAnn Phillips.

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Presentation on theme: "Second Life as a Training Tool Betsy Buffington, Erin Bauer and LuAnn Phillips."— Presentation transcript:

1 Second Life as a Training Tool Betsy Buffington, Erin Bauer and LuAnn Phillips

2 Agenda What is Second Life? Developing an educational project in Second Life Pesticide education opportunities in Second Life

3 Second what? 3-D virtual world Content created by its users Avatars Linden dollar


5 80% of the world’s Internet users will be in a virtual world by the end of 2011 (Gartner, 2007)


7 Become familiar with SL

8 Join SL Register Install Second Life software

9 Develop your own basic SL skills Spend time on Orientation Island Join groups Find friends and go to events Get someone who is already in-world to give you a tour

10 Visit educational sites in SL

11 Use eXtension resources

12 How will your audience access Second Life?

13 In-world class

14 Viewing from audience

15 What type of immersive experience will you use?

16 Where will it be built?

17 Who will build it?

18 How much will it cost?

19 How long will it take to build?

20 How will it be maintained?

21 How will it be advertised?


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