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Threat to Folk Culture Fear loss of folk culture

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1 Key Issue #4: Why Does Globalization of Popular Culture Cause Problems?
Threat to Folk Culture Fear loss of folk culture Increased income = greater ability to buy materials of popular culture Loss of traditional values & increase of Western values (US, Western Europe, etc. are the sources of pop culture) Cultural imperialism – dominance of one culture over another Loss of Traditional Values Asia & Africa – contrast of urban business/gov’t workers and rural farmers in terms of clothing MDC clothing controversial in Middle East (wary of ties to West & impact on traditional Islamic values, especially with women’s clothing) Young people in Middle East generally more moderate (jeans, tolerate Western practices) – Ex Iran election Changing Role of Women Male dominance & women subservience (raise kids, cook, clean) 1990s Taliban in Afghanistan – women could not work outside home, attend school, drive car, seek health care, leave home unless fully covered and escorted by male relative (beaten or killed if behaving “Western”) MDC more equitable to women (still some discrimination) Exploitation of women in LDCs by men in MDCs (paid marriages, prostitution)

2 Key Issue #4: Why Does Globalization of Popular Culture Cause Problems?
Threat to Folk Culture Threats of Foreign Media Imperialism LDCs may perceive threat to autonomy b/c of media/news from foreign countries dominate TV in LDCs (US news in Latin America, UK news in Africa, Japan news in South & East Asia) U.S. is source of 2/3 of entertainment programs in Europe LDCs view as economic & cultural imperialism (display & promote Western values/beliefs/customs) 1. Women’s roles Glorification of youth 2. Social/economic progress 5. Stylized violence 3. Sexual freedom & choice Many Asian countries don’t carry MTV or they censor videos Many LDCs prefer to emphasize family values and avoid controversy Western Control of News Media Associated Press (AP) in US & Reuters in UK – supply most news & video coverage worldwide Expensive to gather news worldwide LDCs – gov’t dominated news to control message, propaganda, bias Many African & Asian countries do not support freedom of the press U.S. – sensationalism, drama, focus on crime/disasters/war BBC – considered most reliable, unbiased news source in world

3 Key Issue #4: Why Does Globalization of Popular Culture Cause Problems?
Environmental Impact of Popular Culture Modifying Nature Folk often grows out of environment but popular often modifies or controls it Golf – large courses; popular in FL & AZ due to retirees & vacationers Uniform Landscapes Pop culture landscapes look the same (product recognition & greater consumption) Fast food Franchises – same product, logos, advertising, architecture, practices (recognition, low-cost, convenience, good for mobility, made for automobile) Buildings now more subdued & signs are free standing to facilitate re-use Uniformity in gas stations, motels, supermarkets, etc. Clustering of stores/restaurants (malls, strip centers, interstate exit, major roads/intersections, suburbs) – suburban sprawl, lack of local diversity Global Diffusion of Uniform Landscapes U.S. chains around world (U.S. travelers, locals who wish to sample U.S. culture) Japanese electronics & automobiles – car models similar worldwide since 1970s (used to vary by country/continent)

4 Key Issue #4: Why Does Globalization of Popular Culture Cause Problems?
Environmental Impact of Popular Culture Negative Environment Impact Depletion of Natural Resources (Increased Demand) Petroleum/oil Animal species (extinction due to skins, hunting for food or sport, loss of habitat) Meat consumption – strain on environment Inefficient – 2.2 lbs of beef needs 22 lbs of grain & 2.2 lbs of chicken needs 6.6 lbs of grain Pollution Solid, liquid, & gas waste must be absorbed by environment Most visible is solid form (affects the landscape) Folk culture can also harm environment (Ex. Native Americans pre-Columbus – burning grasslands for hunting/farming, deforestation, overhunting of species, high soil erosion) MDCs have technologic ability in MDCs to control damage done to environment (expensive & time-consuming)

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